This is the departures lounge at Mahon Airport, Menorca as seen through my little HTC desire android phone !!
Our flight was delayed by 9 hours, so this is the view we had the pleasure of seeing for well over 10 HOURS.
Why were we delayed for 9 hours I hear you ask?
Well.....the inbound flight from East Midlands Airport arrived on time ...but the operator of the gangway that connects the plane to the terminal knocked an 'auto pilot sensor' off the plane when attaching the gangway to the (the airline) had to fly an engineer and replacement part from the UK headquarters into Mahon...the engineer replaced the part and we were them homeward bound !!!
The image is quite good for a little mobile phone shot and I like the silhouetted people against the modern window.
We were meant to depart at 11.35 hours .........we actually took off at 20:35 hours !!!!!!!
Anyway last of my holiday pics...back to flowers and street photography from now one !!
Well that beggers belief, having to fly someone out to repair the plane before you could come home !!! I bet you were fed up cause once it's time to depart you want to get home as quickly as possible ! Great photo though. I love the lines & silhouettes ... almost worth the wait do you think ???
Hope the delay wasn't' totally unpleasant - plenty of people-watching/photographing moments?! The silhouettes are great here. Glad you got home safely, eventually, with your auto pilot sensors intact and good as new :o)
@judithg thanks Judith, it really was quite a nice view through the window....sometime smaller airports can be a bit more inviting that big 'city' airports
Judging from your pictures, your holiday must have been nice. :-) However, the delay sounds annoying!
still, good silhouettes with clouds!