Nottingham Caribbean Carnival 2013 by phil_howcroft

Nottingham Caribbean Carnival 2013

We went to the Nottingham Caribbean Carnival 2013 this afternoon.

It has been running in Nottingham since 1999 and the best bit of the event is the 'parade'. Lots of bright costumes and happy faces to photograph.

This lady seems really happy and lots of the people in the parade were really happy for you to photograph them.

I might do a montage tomorrow of some of my many pictures I took of the event.

Great shot, love the expression on her face!
August 18th, 2013  
Such a lot of effort goes into these events & the Caribbean ones are the happiest I always think...great set of teeth here & she is having a ball!
August 18th, 2013  
great capture Phil - you can feel the energy of the carnaval
August 18th, 2013  
Great portrait
August 18th, 2013  
Wonderful portrait Phil! You have caught the excitement of the occasion beautifully!
August 19th, 2013  
so cool, instant fav
August 19th, 2013  
Fabulous capture Phil! Fav for me too
August 19th, 2013  
Fabulous shot Phil - great expression.
August 19th, 2013  
@busylady @judithg @redpants @jenrobcarr @tishpics @kerristephens @sparkle @happypat thanks everyone for your gr8 comments and support. I'm going to post a montage of the carnival tonight, because I had so many fab shots to share from the event
August 19th, 2013  
Awesome shot Phil. It has so much energy.Fav
August 20th, 2013  
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