We get quite a few Pigeons in the garden, they come and steal the bird seed I put out for the blue tits, sparrows, robins and blackbirds ! Don't they know they are not for them !
Ruby does a good job of chasing them off (never catches them) and looks cross at them as they sit on the roof laughing at her because they are there and she isn't !
It was my mums birthday today. I got up early, drove to Bolton, took some shopping up for her, did a bit of gardening for her and then took her out for lunch. I returned home to Nottingham after lunch an managed to get a couple of hours in the late evening sun in the garden (and photograph this pigeon).
There's a lot of light and shade in this shot which made getting a decent shot quite tricky
I looked at the trip on the map - quite a long way to go for there and back. You are good to your Mum, i know! This looks quite close for the pigeon and is nice and clear!
We are all dismissive of pigeons, but when you really study one (as in your photo) you can really appreciate the personality shown in the rolling gait and the hilarious stare. Great picture, Phil!
@kerristephens cheers kerri