It forms part of an ice cream factory (Federici Bros) although I think this bit of the factory is disused. It's also an old bank as can be seen from the 'Midland Bank' sign above the ground floor boarded window.
Perfection in the here's the challenge...can you clone out the wire (personally I wouldn't bother as I'm a bit of a believer that what's there is what's there, but my head knows that it should be done)
@willowdragon cheers Al, just a few taps and swipes on my mobile :)
@haze65 thanks hazel, the upright vertical of the building made the composition easy to do :)
@sailingmusic maybe money was tight back in the day , so they couldn't afford to build sideways :)
@maggiemae glad you like this mono maggie :)
@sparkle Juliette , the building is a photographers dream :)