@sangwann@swilde@allie912@kerristephens thanks everyone for your kind words. I feel the fields are a little under exposed due to the large amount of sky in the frame.
Lots of farmers are going down this route though our friends have just had theirs turned down...too much opposition!
We were once approached by a large wind turbine company to erect windmills along the side of the River Wyre...we turned them down...wouldn't have been able to handle the flak from the neighbours!
Personally I hate them......don't mind on a hill somewhere all together but near houses no thanks. Do they work too ...I have my doubts for large populated areas. Shut up Pat ......a dodgy subject!
I agree Phil, I think they look quite magnificent, although I wouldn't want one in my backyard! This is lovely with the suns rays shining through the clouds.
We were once approached by a large wind turbine company to erect windmills along the side of the River Wyre...we turned them down...wouldn't have been able to handle the flak from the neighbours!
Personally I hate them......don't mind on a hill somewhere all together but near houses no thanks. Do they work too ...I have my doubts for large populated areas. Shut up Pat ......a dodgy subject!
@happypat thanks pat they don't half cause a lot of debate
@busylady thnx judith the sun rays are a bonus :)