Separated but connecting by randystreat

Separated but connecting

April 2020 words - separated/connecting
52 Week Challenge, week 15 - Tell a story
White awesome visuals for Palm Sunday!
April 5th, 2020  
love the story here Kathy
April 5th, 2020  
@thewatersphotos @30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you Gary and Jackie. First time for everything! Tele communion. Self served and sanctioned by the Presbyterian Church.
April 5th, 2020  
You captured the current time very well
April 5th, 2020  
good for you, kathy. it feels really great, despite it all, right?

we, too, had our palm sunday service on line this morning. it was so heartwarming to see my friends, even our 104-year old friend who was pulled out of the home where she was staying so she could stay with her great-granddaughter for the duration of the lockdown was also present and enjoyed seeing us.
April 5th, 2020  
that's great that is possible like this!
April 5th, 2020  
We had "long-distance" communion too. I did wish I was with everyone in the sanctuary but it was better than not having it at all. Your collage tells a good story!
April 5th, 2020  
Great shot by the subject.
April 5th, 2020  
So nice to see this on Palm Sunday Kathy.
April 6th, 2020  
Great collage.
April 6th, 2020  
that is so unusual, but we all have to deal with the quarantine, I'm amazed how people find solutions, thanks to the new technologies !
April 6th, 2020  
we are also using lots of internet to stay in touch and 'socialise'.
April 6th, 2020  
I'm doing my Quaker meeting on Zoom. So wonderful to see Friends at home on their sofas.
April 6th, 2020  
I love the fact that this situation we are in has given many people creative ways to do things
April 6th, 2020  
Nice to see people in touch and being creative!
April 6th, 2020  
Great story telling photo
April 6th, 2020  
Ours was online, too. We always have a First Wednesday service with communion. It was online, too. We had to supply our own "communion."
April 7th, 2020  
@hajeka Thank you.
@summerfield Yes, it was another good online (short but meaningful) service. Thank you.
@overalvandaan Yes. It would begin to feel a little weird to be missing so many services. This is the fourth service we've had in this way.
@olivetreeann Thank you Ann.
@pyrrhula thank you Ferry.
@jb030958 Thanks Jennie.
@haskar Thank you
@cocobella Yes. This time would be difficult if we weren't able to reach out to others somehow.
@pusspup Yes indeed. I just hope it can keep up with the demand. @tunia There are too many people who would be watching to try to use that platform for our service. Glad that it worked for you. @bkbinthecity Yes we are lucky that way.
@craftymeg Yes indeed, Margaret.
@tosee Thank you Tom
@homeschoolmom It's kind of strange to celebrate it by myself but I wasn't alone, really.
April 7th, 2020  
I'll drink to you too!
April 7th, 2020  
@will_wooderson Thank you.
April 8th, 2020  
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