I liked how the light brought out colors on the star.
A photo of this star taken last month: http://365project.org/randystreat/365/2022-12-25
Sorry for late posting but have been having some computer problems.
@grammyn Thank you Katy. Those colors aren't always that obvious. Computer's taken care of and i'm cooking with gas once again (although apparently that's not politically ccrrect these days).
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you Jackie. @pyrrhula Thank you Ferry. @shutterbug49 Thanks Debbie. Computer problems resolved for the moment. @kjarn The two photos do look so different. It's all about the light I guess. Thank you Kathy
@wakelys Maybe I can get you a better image - more about the shape and construction than beauty. Thanks Sue.
@pyrrhula Thank you Ferry.
@shutterbug49 Thanks Debbie. Computer problems resolved for the moment.
@kjarn The two photos do look so different. It's all about the light I guess. Thank you Kathy