This was placed in our garden last fall when we had all of the large, past-mature shrubs removed from our front yard. Not knowing what this is, I am having to consult my floral and flora experts for a possible ID. With no small amount of chagrin or embarrassment…
Update: “Weigela florida” or “Cardinal Shrub.”
From Missouri Botanical Garden, » “Weigela florida is native to N. China, Korea and Japan. It is a dense, rounded, deciduous shrub that typically grows to 6-10’ tall and may spread over time to as much as 12’ wide. Branching is somewhat coarse, and branches on mature shrubs tend to arch toward the ground. Funnel-shaped, rose pink flowers (each to 1.25” long) bloom profusely in spring, with a sparse and scattered repeat bloom often occurring in mid to late summer. Elliptic to obovate, medium green leaves (to 4.5” long) with serrate margins retain good color throughout the growing season. Insignificant fall color. Fruit is inconspicuous.
“Genus name honors Count Franz Adam von Waldstein-Wartenberg (1759-1823), Austrian botanist and writer.
“Specifc epithet would lead one to believe that this plants is native to Florida but it is actually native to N.China, Korea and Japan.”
Retired economics professor (“dismal scientist”). Married 40+ years to the love of my life; we have two grown daughters, both married, two granddaughters and a...
Well, it is gorgeous! and ha! I was talking to you on my spider pic about how we are always "Behind" and trying to catch up. I see you missed most of May too!