Bart's just somehow got himself into a spot of bother - but the yellow guy looking lost on the side of the road is actually hard at work. He is showing tradesmen where cables are located - he is the "do not dig!" dude.
@jyokota Hi Junko - it's lovely to hear from you. Thanks so much for your comment - there was quite a string of the workmen dudes - and then Bart just appeared!! :)
@golftragic Now that would have been a truly horrible sight!! Errol is always laughing at my window shots - most are "delete,delete,delete" but every now and again one works. The thrill of the chase..... :)
@casablanca It took ages to find someone who could explain what those second guys were doing - there's a whole string of them and they are quite big. It's a good idea though. :)
@robz Absolutely!!!! Saw a photo in today's paper of the protesters at Turnberry golf course, one of the placards read 'We will over-comb!'. Hilarious. I have a wonderful Trump joke, will email it to you.