A nice spot for a glass of wine! by robz

A nice spot for a glass of wine!

This looks like great fun!
May 22nd, 2018  
Great colours and silhouette. Fav
May 22nd, 2018  
I'd reckon. Pour me a big one please.
May 23rd, 2018  
@fbailey @caterina @golftragic Thanks FB, Caterina and Marnie. This is a new Surf Club at Broadbeach - they knocked the old one down and built this one next door - right on the beach. It opened in time for The Commonwealth Games. Needless to say - it was very popular.
May 23rd, 2018  
love the silhouettes and the colours
May 23rd, 2018  
@robz 👍
May 24th, 2018  
@cruiser Thanks very much Chris.
May 24th, 2018  
My fav of the week !
Why: I find the composition very original. I particularly like the way you put the five silhouettes in the tiny dark blue horizontal line, with a large light blue shape above and a dark black framing.. And, what make it a weekly fav, is the way the yellow roof breaks into the light blue sky.. pefectly aligned with the horizon. I like this geometry. The whole composition creates a 2-dimensional image like a cubist/minimalist landscape painting.
May 27th, 2018  
Hi Vincent - thanks again for nominating my photo as your fav of the week. I feel very honoured. I really appreciated being able to read your explanation as I have absolutely no photographic training or background. I used to do a lot of free-style pottery and I know I have a bit of a 3-dimensional sense of what works and what doesn't, but basically my photos are usually just what I innately feel is OK. Strangely enough - having been a maths teacher probably also affects what looks right - that geometry that you mentioned. And yet - the part that I worried about most in this photo was the angle of the top black section - I did not want it horizontal. I will keep referring back to your explanation and try to consciously look for the ideas that you have mentioned. Many thanks again. Cheers Rob
May 28th, 2018  
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