morning run sunrise by sarah19

morning run sunrise

The weather has been so glorious after all the grey mornings in recent months. Now some of the leaves are just beginning to turn golden and I keep hoping for a magic moment as I jog down by the park on my way home from the paper shop.
It's not a long run! Just over a mile but doing it every morning.....well Monday to Saturday!! .... it has really been good these last couple of weeks while Allan has been ill......and I enjoyed the fresh air and me time ....and then my breakfast with the newspaper. Now that he's home and feeling a bit better he enjoys the newspaper being there after breakfast. So winners all round.
Three good things
1. Warm sunny days.....good to sit outside .....or walk to work, and home for lunch, and walking back after! I'm feeling quite fit!
2. The subtle colours and lightness in the air, sometimes golds and sometimes mauves and blues.
3. My very patient patient! So nice to see him enjoying the simple meals I've made, and sleeping well and looking more like himself!
A simple and lovely image.
September 30th, 2015  
Beautiful row of trees, I like a letterbox one like this.
September 30th, 2015  
This is lovely. I love the repetition with slight variations of this scene. A fav for me.
October 1st, 2015  
I like the lighting through the trees
October 2nd, 2015  
Looks like it will be a bright and glorious day. Glad to hear Allan is feeling better. It's so hard when your husband is sick and you can't do much about but let them rest.
October 10th, 2015  
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