This came from a bunch of reduced price flowers bought on Sunday, mostly in bud, but battered. I put the broken heads into a small pot of water in my bedroom and they are coming into flower too, and scenting the flat beautifully. And I bought the flowers as I was given a £1 voucher to apologise for the closing of the deli and fish counters, and reckoned I'd use it for some joy.
I've posted this rather than market pictures from Monday as it's an entry for the monthly theme and an ETSOOI.
Three good things from Tuesday:
1. Daughter had some functional windows (first day alternating Montelukast as she seems to be reacting badly to an increased dose) and dress-made - well, a bag for a friend's birthday;
2. out for two wanders with my daughter
3. massive clean up in the sitting room to find the Isle of Skye rules, which I did, but love the tidiness, as far as it goes.
Thank you for looking and all your amazing support. I prefer to spend time looking at your pictures rather than thanking you individually below.
Nice processing on this lovely picture. A friend on 365 said that the bird I showed yesterday is a spotted flycatcher. I looked it up on the net and she must be right.
I like the linen treatment on the picture- very nice. It's funny how a little tidying can change the whole feel of a place sometimes- but the flowers sound like a pretty addition!