Fungus by shutterbug49


I’m still showing images from our vacation. We have at least 10 days forecast to be 110 deg F or hotter (43 deg C). That’s just nuts. I have never seen it that hot for that long this early in the summer.
Nice pic!
July 1st, 2024  
Love the textures and fungus
July 1st, 2024  
It looks like an alien breaking out of a tree.
July 1st, 2024  
Wonderful texture
July 1st, 2024  
Please don't send that heat our way!!
July 1st, 2024  
Lovely textures. I think we are actually starting to feel the real worries of global warming..
July 1st, 2024  
@robz I’m afraid so.
July 1st, 2024  
Wow an impressive find
July 1st, 2024  
It is fascinating looking.
July 1st, 2024  
Great textures! Don’t envy you the heat!
July 1st, 2024  
Nice bark and fungus. Our weather is going to be awful!!! I will be going to Donner Lake on Wednesday-Friday so it will be a little cooler. But instead, it will be more crowded than ever! I do not know what I was thinking...going with a friend who is visiting from Florida and she used to live here and had a cabin at Kingvale.Thank goodness we just got our two AC's serviced and hopefully they will work through this heatwave!!!
July 1st, 2024  
Love the rich color and textures in the tree and fungus… nice! Gosh… 110 and hotter… uggghhhh… we have mid 90’s F and high humidity… trying to stay inside in the AC and to think I was complaining about the heat.
July 1st, 2024  
Super fungi shot Debbie. We had two days last week of 28/29 degrees of heat - that was enough for me! Stay safe
July 1st, 2024  
Natures wonder
July 2nd, 2024  
Great capture and details.
July 2nd, 2024  
Great find and shot.
July 2nd, 2024  
Whoooie! That is HOT! Thank you climate change.
July 2nd, 2024  
The weather has gone crazy, we have just had the coldest and wettest June for however many years, I've never been so cold so early in the season
July 2nd, 2024  
Beautiful fungi, great capture.
Easy to say but think cool
July 2nd, 2024  
Neat textures
July 2nd, 2024  
Stay cool, that’s way too hot!
July 2nd, 2024  
It is huge. like a tumor.
July 2nd, 2024  
A wonderful find and capture, such a beautiful fungus and wonderful textures.

I could not survive in those temperatures Debbie, I would have to move to a cooler state ;-)
July 2nd, 2024  
Great find!
July 2nd, 2024  
Lovely shot and textures. Stay cool!
July 2nd, 2024  
Well spotted and captured. Stay cool and hydrated.
July 2nd, 2024  
Wonderful fungus!
Stay cool as you can..
July 2nd, 2024  
Great find
July 2nd, 2024  
Nice textures...thanks to the inventor of A/C!
July 2nd, 2024  
A very cool fungus. We have thoroughly messed with our climate. Very unusually hot here too, very early.
July 2nd, 2024  
Good idea- stay inside and raid the archives! It's been pretty hot here too. I like the colors of this one.
July 2nd, 2024  
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