There is a small creek not to far from my home where many of these trees grow. Driving past today the snow lining the trunks and branches and the late evening sunlight caught my attention.
@danette - Thank you Danette! I have a photography book entitled, "The art of Photography" by Bruce Barnbaum. He included many photos as examples and some of the ones that struck me the most were of trees. This reminded be of those photographs.
@mtngal - Thank you Harriet! I have always liked how snow can make things look more 3 dimensional.
@lynnb - Thank you so much Lynn! This was my second time past these trees. The first time it was cloudy and the light was pretty flat. I turned and saw how much the light added to the trees and put on the brakes and backed up to try my hand at it again.
@danette - Thank you Danette! I have a photography book entitled, "The art of Photography" by Bruce Barnbaum. He included many photos as examples and some of the ones that struck me the most were of trees. This reminded be of those photographs.
@mtngal - Thank you Harriet! I have always liked how snow can make things look more 3 dimensional.
@kerristephens - Thank you so much Kerri!
@chrissieh - You are very kind Chrissie! Thank you!
@vickisfotos - Your comments are much appreciated Vicki! Thank you!
@espyetta - You are very kind MaryBeth! Thank you!