Snake by skipt07


Word of The Day. Today's word is snake and being that it is winter in Pennsylvania I didn't think there would be much chance of seeing a snake out and about. So I first thought of using an alternate word, but changed my mind and tried to think outside the box.
Hence, the physician's or medical symbol which is comprised of a staff, a set of wings and two snakes. The symbol is called a, "caduceus" which comes from the Greek, kerykeion. According to Walter Friedlander, in The Golden Wand of Medicine: A History of the Caduceus Symbol in Medicine, this connection can be traced back to 1902, when the U.S. Army adopted the caduceus as the insignia of its Medical Corps, which had previously used the cross. Earlier, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the caduceus had been used by printers because it was the staff of Hermes (Mercury) the messenger god, and hence the divine deliverer of information. In the 19th century, a medical publisher used the symbol prominently on its texts, and thereby began the association of the caduceus with medicine, an association made firm by the prevalence of the image in the American Medical Corps during World War I. A symbol first representative of wisdom, eloquence, and communication, thus became the common logo for those in the health profession. This caduceus is on the outside wall of a local hospital!
Really good outside the box thinking.
No way, no how am I viewing snakes - so Thanks, Skip!
February 11th, 2013  
Love the creative thinking and history.
February 11th, 2013  
Really creative thinking. Great capture and information.
February 11th, 2013  
Very nice, and a very familiar image.
February 11th, 2013  
February 11th, 2013  
Great thinking outside the box! I hadn't thought about going to a hospital for a photo op! Texture in the tile is interesting too. I'm going to have to take a look at the word list for the this month... struggling with photos! We have a plumbing snake (wouldn't that be a great shot? - not!)
February 11th, 2013  
I like your snake interpretation. Great processing. I love the background!
February 11th, 2013  
So creative, I just love your ideas!
Awesome shot.
February 11th, 2013  
@calm - A plumber's snake was my second consideration after considering an alternative.
February 11th, 2013  
Very creative approach to the word of the day. Cool shot!
February 11th, 2013  
nice interpretation
February 11th, 2013  
Great idea!!
February 11th, 2013  
Love your interpretation Skip. Great shot.
February 11th, 2013  
Very creative, nice shot!
February 11th, 2013  
Extremely creative, well done
February 11th, 2013  
nice job. . .great idea for the theme!
February 12th, 2013  
@cdonohoue @sjwyatt30 @danette @digitalrn @kerristephens @calm @kwind @chrissieh @pflaume @alisonp @amyamoeba @natr @siwainastromoy @soboy5 @lyno
Thank you again for all of your wonderful comments. As you may have noticed I haven't been replying as much as I use to. I have taken on a new commitment that started 1/16/2013. From now on I will answer specific questions, but now instead of replying to comments, I will comment on the work of those who reply to mine. Frees up more time. Particularly with tax time here. Thank you all for taking time to look and comment.
February 12th, 2013  
@skipt07 I think we all need to take on that. I could look at a lot more work if I commented a lot less.
February 12th, 2013  
This is the only kind of snake that I like!!!
February 12th, 2013  
@cdonohoue @tksharpley
Thank you very much for your kind comments! I'm not a lover of snakes either.
February 17th, 2013  
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