it's not gold, it's yellow! by summerfield

it's not gold, it's yellow!

from one of my aquarium sojourns. the fish is really yellow -- not gold or orange, but plain simple yellow.

my back is still sore - seemed i pulled a muscle lifting two heavy file boxes last monday. i avoid taking painkillers but this time i had to; just one though and it was enough. thank you for your well wishes.


misfortune, that's the theme over at five plus two. check us out
A fabulous yellow not gold not orange fish! 😊
March 14th, 2019  
Hmmmm...I always considered gold as a derivative of yellow. Nice fish story!
March 14th, 2019  
It sure is yellow, great find and shot ;-)
March 14th, 2019  
A nice capture
March 14th, 2019  
Yep. Yellow it is.
March 14th, 2019  
lovely yellow fish - hope your back recovers soon
March 14th, 2019  
A very pretty yellow. I'm glad the painkiller helped your back.
March 14th, 2019  
What a lovely yellow.
I was once out camping in the middle of nowhere with Hubby when I pulled a back muscle putting wood on the fire.
The muscle stiffened up to the point where I could hardly move. Sleeping on the ground did nothing to help the situation, either. We were way too far out to run to town for pain-killers.
I knew I would be okay if only I could relax the muscles in my back to get them moving again.
My sister and her husband came out to visit for the weekend and brought a huge bottle of Bailey's, and by the time the night was over, my back was better.
But I had a huge headache in the morning, LOL!
March 14th, 2019  
Glad that your back is improving. Your calendar's looking great :)
March 14th, 2019  
Your calendar looks fantastic! Feel better soon!
March 14th, 2019  
Agree with the above comments -- your calendar is taking shape so well. I like how in each image, like this one, there is a splash of the color of the day.
March 14th, 2019  
In spite of your back, your calendar is looking very nice.
March 14th, 2019  
Beautiful shot of the YELLOW fish. Glad you're feeling better.
March 15th, 2019  
there is no mistaking it. It is a yellow fish and takes it place very well in your calendar.
March 16th, 2019  
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