oh, i love Paris every moment! by summerfield

oh, i love Paris every moment!

negative space was what we're tackling this week at 52 frames, and this was my submission.


i was downtown but i never got to pull out my camera even though i was all prepared -- extra SD card, extra battery etc. but although there was not too many people compared to the previous years with the old normal, i find people to be too loud and frankly, although i am a pride supporter, i have found these festivities too tedious.

sometime this month, i was dragged into the discussion of "gender". this person who insisted on calling me a 'cis-woman' and i had to tell him/her/it that if he/she/it wanted me to respect what her pronoun and gender, he/she/it would have to respect my gender and i am woman and female and i have the proper "equipment" to prove it. this respect thing goes both ways. i come from a tribe of gays and lesbians and whatever else they are called now so i know their struggles and the prejudices they encounter. but i draw the line of being called something when i am not. is there another planet where i can move to?

times are really a-changing!
Vikki times are changing and not necessarily for the better
July 1st, 2024  
I'm with you on this whole gender thing. I am a woman - proud of it - and married to a man's man - and he's proud of it.
Why does Pride get a whole month and veteran's only a day?
July 1st, 2024  
I also don't understand why it is becoming the norm to label everyone's gender. I too have been told that I am a cis-woman and I too pointed out that I am female. I agree that respect goes both ways.

Beautiful watch too
July 1st, 2024  
I agree with you. And I love the watch!
July 1st, 2024  
Sweet little time piece.
July 1st, 2024  
Pretty choice of subject and then nicely for the negative space challenge.

I am with you on respect going both ways
July 1st, 2024  
Nice use of the negative space to show off the colorful illustrations on the face of the clock.
July 1st, 2024  
So inspiring to look at that beautiful face when you need to know the timeā€¦ very beautiful
July 1st, 2024  
Love the negative space and the clock face!
July 2nd, 2024  
Wonderful pic! If you find that planet, let me know!
July 2nd, 2024  
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