Canada day fireworks by summerfield

Canada day fireworks

87 shots of fireworks and this is all i have to show for it. 😂🤣 sometimes i marvel at my skills with the camera, but not last night. or most nights, or days! just as well, this was the last of the fireworks.

i'm still getting "retirement" greetings and presents. it didn't really occur to me that retirement is a big deal to most people. but i'll take the presents! 🤣

i took a day off today😂. i just cooled around the apartment then went off after lunch to see a movie with my sister. we went to see "the boy in the woods" based on a true story. it's a lesson in human resilience, no matter the age. and get this: there were only five of us in the theatre. i liked that we got good seats and we didn't deal with boisterous patrons. my sister said later on that she was thinking what we should do if some pro-palestine sympathizers show up and make trouble inside the theatre. i'd have hit them with my cane, i told her.
LOL! It's not a failure, it's just a unique representation. And I like it!!
July 3rd, 2024  
I like it too!
July 3rd, 2024  
It's not fireworks but it is a good light shot
July 3rd, 2024  
I would not have known it was fireworks, but very cool bokeh!
July 3rd, 2024  
Fireworks for your birthday!!
July 3rd, 2024  
Ha ha, you made me smile! Happy birthday too!
July 3rd, 2024  
how lovely all that bokeh
July 3rd, 2024  
A great display of bokeh.
July 3rd, 2024  
I love it enough to give it a FAV it’s a very, very unique take on fireworks.

I am enjoying your tales of retirement
July 3rd, 2024  
Dreamy bokeh lights
July 3rd, 2024  
Bokeh makes a lovely abstract
July 3rd, 2024  
Love this bokeh image
July 3rd, 2024  
I like the effect - bokeh-like. Sorry the rest of your photos didn't turn out. "mother said there'd be days like this."
July 3rd, 2024  
Beautiful bokeh. Next month is abstract month. Enjoy every minute of your retirement.
July 4th, 2024  
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