let it snow! actually, no, stop! by summerfield

let it snow! actually, no, stop!

it started to snow towards mid-morning, at first the kind that just got blown to the side, not accumulating, the pavement still passable. but it was steadily coming down and later on in the afternoon it became wet snow, the kind that sticks to you rather annoyingly wet. like slushies spilled over your clothing. i saw some people walking on the pavement earlier or rather slipping. i had wanted to do my walk at lunchtime but it was not the ideal condition for a senior with a bad knee.

catching up with week 47 of the 52 captures challenge, the challenge was landscape. easy-peasy, non!
Take care on the streets.
December 2nd, 2023  
I love the POV and the subject. It’s fabulous to see. I’m not sure if I would want to live in it. I do miss it but I don’t miss the conditions that come with it. Wise move to not take the walk in this weather. FAV
December 2nd, 2023  
The scene belies the treachery of the conditions. A wise choice to stay put.
December 2nd, 2023  
I miss looking out on a day like this, but *if I must*, we can go to the mountains for a day...and we no longer have to deal with air travel! There's a beauty in the early snowfalls, especially when you can stay inside!
December 2nd, 2023  
It doesn't look very pleasant out there
December 3rd, 2023  
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