And Finally..........A White One by susiemc

And Finally..........A White One

........with a hint of pink.
This is the third of our three pond lilies. Sometimes all three are flowering at the same time which is especially lovely.
This one has a back story........A few years ago, 2018 to be precise, we stayed in a holiday cottage in Dorset. There was a pond in the garden of the cottage which had become very overgrown and silted up. While we were there the owners cleared it out. This lily was taking over the whole pond so they were throwing a lot of it away. Chris asked if he could have some. They said yes (and gave him some yellow iris as well) and it's now doing very well in our pond. It does have to be kept under control because it's very vigorous but it is beautiful.
That’s beautiful
June 30th, 2024  
Your pond lilies really are beautiful. Fav
June 30th, 2024  
What a beautiful shot of this lily (and its reflection), Sue! I love these back stories :-) Fav
June 30th, 2024  
Beautiful ! fav
June 30th, 2024  
Beautiful & a nice reflection too.
June 30th, 2024  
It is so beautiful & large.
Such a lovely back story..
July 1st, 2024  
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