Driving from San Diego's airport up to the location of the conference hotel, the moon was in a very unfamiliar position. It looked to me like it had simply fallen over! No time at the conference to photograph and barely time to work on this one from last night -- went out after checking into our room with camera and tripod, but not for long. It gets COLD here in Southern California at night!!
Many thanks to all who participated in the 'where's waldo' search in the graffiti -- it was, as many of you discovered, the girl in the gray hat with the yellow backpack towards the bottom of the frame. And many thanks for putting the shot onto PP today!
Wonderful detail!! Very strange as I noticed the moon still up yesterday morning but no camera with me. The same half moon but the shadow was on the right hand side much more upright than your shot.
Great shot, Taffy. Love all the detail you captured. Cooler weather throughout California. Rain and wind due in No CA tomorrow (Thursday). Not sure if it will hit So Ca. What a day to be in So Ca. Hope you were not too close to the shooting. One tragedy after the next has just been incomprehensible in the states and in our world. FAV for your photo. I have to look outside more often instead of spending time in the ER. Breathing problems that elude me and my Drs recently. Working towards a healthy normal again. Take care in your travels.
Amazing detail. It's just hanging in the Sky in a most unusual position. I never have a camera with me all the time as you have which means you get superb shots