ONS5 called for a Street Scene today. Mmmm.
1. No streets nearby. Nearest street with any hope of seeing people is in town, 5 miles, 2/3 of which are very dusty at the moment and I didn't feel like washing my hair just to get a photo (oops...does that mean I've lost my commitment??)
2. BUT, we are going to hear Claudia Schmidt and Dean Magraw at the Community Center and meeting Frank at the Shamrock for dinner, so I'll be able to take street scenes tonite.
3. BUT, I took my camera without the smart card which was in my computer from downloading frog pictures from this morning.
4. BUT, I had my iPhone!
5. BUT, it's Beaver Island...even a busy night doesn't have much to show for it.
6. BUT, the bar next to the community center was hopping (you can't tell but the music was throbbing) so leaving the Center after the concert I tried to capture the sense of what Beaver Island street scenes on a hopping night look like. Pretty exciting, isn't it?
7. And, we get to drive home for a typical night street scene (I know, no candids, so not really what street scene means in photography language).
Beaver Island...the place to come if you have relatively low expectations for an exciting night life!
8. BUT, with frogs like ours( http://365project.org/taffy/365/2013-07-13), who needs a night life?
Thanks to all of you for your supportive comments! I think I'm going to do more with the headlights idea -- I appreciate your support!