After a harrowing drive from the hotel to the airport, over ice-packed overpasses (bridges), a few hours wait due to flight delays, and a smooth flight to O'Hare, we're home on a clear but very cold night. It's long exposure day for ONS6 ( so I headed up to the rooftop to take a few shots of the buildings now lit for the holidays, featuring green and red.
This combines two photos, both 30 secs, one f13 and the other f10, with ISO as low as it could go. I lost the exif when I did the HDR combining.
And now that I'm following you I get to see all your wonderful photos of Chicago. When my son was living in Atlanta (working for CNN) he had an interview for the Chicago Bureau…. I'm glad he didn't get it because I fear Chicago would have enticed him to stay in the US forever.