Bedroom Guest by terryliv

Bedroom Guest

Had just claimed into bed the other night when I noticed this Huntsman on the wall. He was 10cm across from toe to toe.
You were that close with a measuring device, surely not, but great detail :))
February 18th, 2015  
great shot, love the detail but I don't think I would want it in my bedroom
February 18th, 2015  
Incy wincy spider :)
February 18th, 2015  
Oh cool. Great details. We have just mini-spiders around here. But I guess I am an elsewise person, and most will have no positive feelings around spiders.
February 18th, 2015  
Great detail and capture
February 18th, 2015  
Big lady. lovely detail.
February 18th, 2015  
Lovely close up detail Terry, would scare the pants off me to find a spider as big as a saucer in my bed, are they dangerous:)
February 18th, 2015  
Hello there
February 18th, 2015  
We had one in our bedroom too a few weeks ago. I don't like to kill huntsman spiders but I didn't want it in the bedroom all night so I had a hell of a job coaxing it into a bucket and throwing it outside. It kept the bucket until morning.
Amazing detail, you got pretty close. It's a wonder it didn't jump at you.
February 18th, 2015  
Those big ones freak me out a little, and I'm not usually bothered by spiders. Did you usher it outside?
February 18th, 2015  
Yikes! That's a big one!
February 18th, 2015  
Incredible detail in this pic. You wouldn't even need a macro for photographing something this big. Yikes. So, inquiring minds want to know, did he get carried to the great outdoors (alive)?
February 18th, 2015  
I really like wild things, but not in my house! Great shot, Terry!
February 18th, 2015  
Wonderful photo! When I was little, I was upset at night because there was a Daddy Long Legs on my wall. My mother told me it wouldn't hurt me. I said, "But it can crawl on me!" So she relented and put it outside.
February 18th, 2015  
Oh, my! Great macro!
February 18th, 2015  
Argh! Mrs would go mental if she saw this....I'm going to show her lol
February 18th, 2015  
@nicholas @homeschoolmom @cejaanderson @mjalkotzy @radiogirl @888rachel @onewing @digitalrn @pcoulson @pusspup @flyrobin @mona65 @gilbertwood @oldjosh @hermann
Thanks everyone. To answer everyone's question and I should have included this in the description, I caught it and took it outside and let it go in the garden. The funy thing was as soon as it was o the ground, it made a bee-line for the open back door. We were trying to scare it and make it head in a different direction but it was determined to come back inside. We ended up having to get inside ourselves and close the door on it. Obviously didn't like the great outdoors.
February 18th, 2015 that is waaaayyyy too close!!!!!!!! So gross but a great shot :-)
February 18th, 2015  
Awesome shot. I think the Huntsman's are the good guys of the spider world. I like to catch and release them when I can as well. I is very amusing that it was a little scared of being outside.
February 18th, 2015  
When you have to set your aperture on 5.6 and still get DOF across the spider's length, you've got one enormous spider. I'm like you, Poppo, I find them in the house and set them "free" outside. Hope he learns to like the yard over the interior wall.
February 19th, 2015  
OH my gosh that would freak me out. What a great close up and capture of this spider.
February 19th, 2015  
Great shot, they're more cute outside. He's another great friend and loves your home, just like that bird !! They sense the love. I release also when i find bugs in the house.
February 20th, 2015  
What a great picture they are big and you were lucky to get such a great shot and then be able to capture it and put it out.
February 22nd, 2015  
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