Just chilling? by tinley23

Just chilling?

We assumed that he was just enjoying the sun but I feel guilty now that we didn’t check that he was ok.
A great candid, Lesley! I'm sure he was just resting, but I would have a little pang of guilt, too. In our current heat wave, I'm seeing lots of people flopped out in the park- anywhere with shade and a little breeze. But back to you- I love the light in this shot, too! Fav
June 21st, 2024  
And was he ok?
Makes a great composition!
June 21st, 2024  
Hope he was!
June 21st, 2024  
Hope he was okay. His knee is up in the air so that is reassuring. If he was unconscious, he wouldn't be lying like this. Of course he could be having a heart attack, but hopefully not.
June 21st, 2024  
Great candid and wonderful light. I hope he did not fall asleep and get a sunburn.
June 21st, 2024  
Nah, he looks relaxed!
June 21st, 2024  
Hope he got that lock open for his boat ( and survived his heart attack)
June 21st, 2024  
I hope it wasn't too hot, I'm not seeing any shade
June 21st, 2024  
He looks relaxed. The bent arm and leg indicate that muscle tone is maintained. Another problem is whether he fell asleep in the sun, which may be dangerous in the current heat.
June 21st, 2024  
I am sure he was ok
June 21st, 2024  
Oh dear , hope he hadn't been there for too long in the heat of the day !
June 21st, 2024  
Don’t fret, I saw his leg move as we walked past.
Brilliant capture and what a spot to sunbathe!
June 21st, 2024  
@pattyblue Ah excellent news
June 21st, 2024  
He looks very relaxed…..it will do his back good on that hard flat surface but it’s getting up that’s the problem!
June 21st, 2024  
He does look pretty relaxed..
June 21st, 2024  
Looks relaxed to me. My ex used to lie on the hot concrete driveway because it felt good on his back…people walking by would often inquire if he was ok until they knew what he was doing.
June 21st, 2024  
Don’t think his knee would be up if he was unconscious. He looks the right sort of colour too…
June 21st, 2024  
I agree his leg wouldn't be up if he was in trouble. Nice shot.
June 21st, 2024  
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