After three weeks of working from her own apartment our daughter, Nik. has decided to come work from our home. I will enjoy her company!
Finn was super excited to have her home. The rather raggedy toy they are playing with is named Harold, he once was stuffed full of stuffing and four squeakers, even though Finn made light work of the stuffing and squeakers he still loves the rag that Harold has become!
The random is obviously the Thai fireplace filler, who is trying to give a sense of calm to the image!
Still loving the cell phone shots! Best on black if you care to do so!
So nice that Nik has joined you at home. (and she and Finn gave you a photo opportunity!). My daughter's dog also immediately removes sequels but I managed to find the best -- a tough fabric octopus with 9 squeakers!~ I like the balance of the energy and the calm.
@jyokota hehe...I have tried every kind of tough toy brand (and spent a small fortune on them) with Finn, the only toy that has lasted was a $5 toy from Marshals, which has the most annoying squeak...for some reason Finn loves this toy and has not attempted to destroy it.