Compensating...  by vera365


Compensating for the lack of skills taking action shots with an editing trick!

First of all, I have to admit a whole defeat in taking action shots and controlling the camera/focus/ect when it comes to jumps and rolling in hay... My 2.5 year old was a great model fearlessly jumping down again and again, and from the whole time, only this jump was more or less worth of sharing it with an audience (and the last image is still blurry). But as I was putting them all into a collage, I figured that since the background is all the same, it was easy enough to attempt to smooth out the borders between the images and make them all a part of one image. So, I am compensating with the small editing trick for the lack of the photographic skills taking action shots.

As always, I am very much looking for all kind of input, reaction, critique and feedback. Thank you!
Nice job, I wouldn't be able to do in processing or SOOC!
March 21st, 2015  
What were your camera settings? ISO and Shutter? What mode were you shooting in? The light looks pretty good. Did you have your camera set to continuous under shutter release? I'd be happy to suggest a few things.
March 21st, 2015  
Fun shot!!! I am sure he loves it as well
March 21st, 2015  
Sometimes when we have something so specific in mind, we can be frustrated or disappointed. But wonderful new things can come out of that. I think that this falls in that category. Might not be what you set out to do, but your creativity and good eye came up with something else wonderful that stands on its own as a creative shot! And I love his expression on the bottom right :)
March 21st, 2015  
Great shots...well done
March 21st, 2015  
I wouldn't call this compensation. It is its own wonderful, engaging image! Fav
March 21st, 2015  
I think you did a great job.
March 21st, 2015  
@dianen Thank you, Diane! I feel like I generally need more knowledge and experience with this!!!!! The whole jumping took place outside, but under an overhang, which made it darker than normal. This particular series was taken with me using the "Aperture Priority" mode (I have Nikon 5100) with my 35mm lens at aperture between 3.5 and 4. The shutter speed for both was 1/1000. I did set the camera to the continuous shooting mode, and the autofocus to "Continuous" on this, but still it didn't "catch" the kid in the last picture. I also tried the "sports" setting on the camera, which I thought should also do the appropriate autofocus mode, but those ones were also blurry, mostly with the background in focus instead of the kid. At the shots where I tried the shutter speed priority (with the 18-55mm lens, which does not open as much as the 35mm), my ISO was not enough and those turned out dark (and still blurry). I feel that generally, getting things in focus is my often my challenge. And I don't get to take lots of action shots otherwise, so experience is lacking generally.
March 21st, 2015  
I love it! When I took action shots of my grandson I just kept shooting. I know nothing about photography and shutter speed but when I was done and looked at the pics they were awesome. I just point and shoot 😃
March 21st, 2015  
When I'm concerned about motion I always shoot in shutter priority. I have a Nikon d5000 so we have almost the same camera. So if the last was blurry I would have stepped up the speed higher than 1/1000. If you need to up your iso
March 21st, 2015  
@dianen Thank you! I think we might be back there tomorrow, and if they are still as excited about jumping from the hay piles, I shall try again!!!!!
March 21st, 2015  
Oops hit send before I meant too if it still isn't working with higher speed and ISP it might be your focus points. Try af-c. Also check your af area mode....put it on the " motorcycle" one. Hopefully the d5100 has the same pics in the menu!
March 21st, 2015  
Also shoot in raw then if it's still too dark you can pull the stopped motion out of the shadow. Also I would use the 18-55 so you can fill the frame with the zoom Like others said above this series is great you did make it work but I know how you feel when u want a shot to be clear and can't seem to figure it out! But mostly you want the highest shutter speed you can get so let the camera figure out the aperture. Hope this helps
March 21st, 2015  
@dianen YES! I have a motorcycle!!!! :) Thank you!
March 21st, 2015  
@dianen Ok, now I got the last message too - Thank you for all the hints, it is very helpful, because otherwise, for me it has been "reading about it" and doing some trial and error things. The only problem is, when I read an article about something, it is still pretty abstract, and it is very hard to connect the generic information to the actual actions "in the field". So, talking about a specific shot after trying it out is actually very helpful, thank you for all your input and the time! I very much appreciate it, and it is very motivational to going and trying it again. Thank you!
March 21st, 2015  
This is super! Not sure I would be able to edit it like that, love the effect!
March 21st, 2015  
You are welcome. Good luck!
March 21st, 2015  
Very neat shots into one!!
March 21st, 2015  
awesome processing and capture. well done. I am sure your little one had loads of fun jumping!
March 21st, 2015  
Love it. Looks like the best fun for children!
March 21st, 2015  
Great pic. Looks like so much fun!
March 21st, 2015  
Good job! Looks very fun and I love that you rolled the 3 into one! :)
March 21st, 2015  
could be triplets! very good
March 21st, 2015  
Thank you all so much for visiting and commenting on the jump! It is a wonderful place for children, we haven't even done all the things they offer - so, more visits in the coming days.

Judith - thank you so much for your kind words! It sometimes happen that neat things get created out of desperation, and I am happy how it turned out with just the minimal editing effort on my part.

Thank you!

@franklein @sgianettoni @judithaltman @seattlite @dmcoile @danette @marymacaroni @btwebb @ckwiseman @ninaganci @flowerfairyann @ditzy @monty147 @jennyjustfeet
March 21st, 2015  
Great fun!
March 21st, 2015  
@jennyjustfeet By the way, Jennifer, I posted the same picture on the FB page, and that's what I called it exactly - "Triplets"! :)
March 21st, 2015  
Excellent! Love the series and editing.
March 21st, 2015  
Fabulous shots - love his excitement and happiness! The simple pleasures of burning off some energy. Great idea to edit them together. Look forward to seeing what happens with motorcycle mode if you go back there :)
March 21st, 2015  
Fabulous shot and so clever. The compensating paid off. I read all the hints above too. Must try this sometime.
March 22nd, 2015  
I love it! love the editing and it immediately made me smile! must try this with my grandson.
March 22nd, 2015  
This looks great, and I believe it is called Multiplicity. There was a Sandbox tutorial on it a while ago, which might have helpful hints for you that might make the processing quicker. But you have done a great job!
March 22nd, 2015  
Absolutely adorable! He is such a little cutie and is having such fun.
March 22nd, 2015  
Superbly done - great series
March 22nd, 2015  
A action shot to be proud of, great blending of your images.
March 22nd, 2015  
great compilation vera, a keeper i think :)
March 22nd, 2015  
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting!

Rachel, thanks for the term - I will look it up, I like the result and the background turned out to be perfect for it.

Clare - I "cheated" the next day by only carrying around the little but very mighty Sony that does 11 frames per second in the sports mode. There are some results of that in the FB link to my March 22nd picture.

Thank you very much! It's very motivational to know that people view the pictures and take time to leave a comment. Very much appreciated.

@sueb47 @kwind @pistache @onewing @floresleida @888rachel @kimdavis @isimo @bob65 @phil_howcroft
March 23rd, 2015  
Great shot and it looks like your subject was enjoying himself too. Another thing for me to try.
March 24th, 2015  
A great job on this. I have yet to try one! Nice feeling of joy, and like t he progression. Fav
March 24th, 2015  
@oly Thanks, Stuart. We were back there twice since that shot, and ever time was yet another highlight for him. Lots of washing up afterwards :)
March 24th, 2015  
@vstap Thank you! Again, rather an accidental though that turned out into something fun. :)
March 24th, 2015  
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