First and foremost - "FRIENDS", as these two girls are my sons' best friends, to the point when the lines between friends and family start to be a bit blurry.
Also, this picture just screams "childhood" at me, and it made me so happy that although they almost don't fit onto the bikes anymore, there is still no question in their heads that they are too big/too cool now to ride the little kiddie carousel.
Also - "What I will miss # ..." as this picture represents so much of what I will miss once we move back - the fact that we all come out of the main city church where my kid's daycare center celebrated their Christmas fest. And although these are school kids now, they still come to each of the events and feel at home at anything organised by their former daycare. Also, that we are right in the heart of the city's Christmas market that turn the whole December into one big party! And of course, we will miss the friends.
And finally, I just loved the swirl of activities in this photo - busy busy place with lights, kiddos, smiles and whole load of happiness.
Such a lovely joyful picture, and I love your story to go with it. You boy will have such happy memories of living here, and hopefully will keep in touch with his friends and visit when he is older.