Our older one had never attempted anything remotely "dangerous" on any playground till he was about 6 years old. And under "dangerous" I also include climbing even smallest structures. Now, this one, at the gentle age of 3, has no fear. Even if the mother with the camera says things like "Can you please stand on the edge of this giant rock for a little longer???" He does!
Thank you for visiting!
Funny, how the grow up in the same environment, are made by the same builder and still turn out so different. It always amazes me, when I look at me 3. Beautiful use of light, Vera!
@californialover I can tell you that this light was directly inspired by looking at your pictures! We were at the playground, and the light was low, and my thought was - oh wait, I can try and do a picture a-la-Ute! :)
Super composition and use of light, beautiful. I love that all of us can relate to our second child being the daredevil as it follows the pattern in my household as well!