I took this picture wile "hunting" for flowers for my main picture today. This is in the rose gardens (of which there are several in the park) and the roses are in full bloom! This particular garden is right in front of the main palace facade. And since it was so pretty, I though I should go back tomorrow and take a picture there again for tomorrow's photo. But then I realised I always tell myself that and never go back to actually do it the next or over-next day. So, for all that beauty not to be wasted - here are the Ludwigsburg roses in full bloom for my Runner-Ups album.
Oh thank you so much for commenting on the view of the rose garden! I felt it is unfair to just post pictures of the flowers and completely neglect how beautiful the whole surroundings are. Lots of great things happen throughout the year around this palace, and it's the heart of Ludwigsburg. I am glad I could share it's beauty with you. Thank you!
@quietpurplehaze @lisamccloskey @dmcoile @susanalena @susie1205 @ivan @kwind @seattlite @klutzy @sueb47 @vstap @gilbertwood @777margo @lxxx @kauaikris @888rachel