The one fun things about being in the mountains is the huge contrast between the shiny sun-lit parts and the deep shadows. This sun-lit tree was against the very dark fir trees, and it seemed like a fun idea to turn it all into a black and white thing.
Thank you for your visits and critique!
@whimsicalgrateful Oh, Marta, thank you! I don't know exactly how it happens, but what I've noticed that while on 365, my attitude to photography changed a lot. In the beginning, I was really consumed every day by thinking of what my picture for the day will be, and most of the time, it was a hard work coming up with something and very time-consuing as well. By now, I relaxed a lot and don't sweat about it, assuming that during the day, something will present itself, I just have to have a camera with me. And most of the time, the things that "pop" at you are doing it for a reason. So, I don't know if my photography skills improved since I've been here (with this, I mean working with the light, knowing the right settings etc - I shoot almost always in Aperture priority mode). But what has changed is the way I keep my eyes open during the day, processing the visual information around me in some kind of new way. Mostly dismissing it, until something just stands out enough for me to reach in my purse/bag and get the camera out. And if not, there is always a reading kid, a cuddled cat or a husband in the glow of the night ipad as emergency photo subjects :)