Following on from yesterday's failure to take a satisfactory long-exposure image of Paimpont Abbey, I tried again today with a different camera and lens and a different neutral density filter.
This filter is not as strong as the other and the longest shutter speed I could manage was 8 seconds... a long way from the 2 minutes that I was looking for. The effect is there in the water but the clouds are still too detailed.
What I really need is a Lee Big Stopper but as the starter kit is 400€/$ it's probably not going to happen any time soon!
Colour for a change... but it still views best on black.
Whilst this might not have turned out the way you planned, rest assured, I couldn't even have imagined this shot. Way beyond my ability and aspirations.
Hmmm! Agree.. it needs scudding clouds. Its a food shot but i'm not convinced this scene lends itself to long exposures, which I think need some solid foreground details in the water
I might try what Lee suggested since it looks like even I could do it.