Mrs S is partly the subject of my Get Pushed challenge response in my main 365 album today with a photo taken 27 years ago... so I thought it might be nice to include a snap taken in the garden yesterday while I was testing my new LED ringlight - used here as a fill light.
It was a wonderful choice because it causes you to wonder why the cocked eyebrow. Thought provoking is a good think in a picture I think. Where are they going, what does he see, what is she thinking. Because if you can evoke these kind of thoughts the picture stays longer. My humble opinion.
@ekaye Thanks Emily - this was shot (as are all my images) in Raw format and then mainly processed in Lightroom 5 with some detailed retouching in Photoshop CC. Part of the crispness is due to the fact that this was shot with a 105mm macro lens stopped down to F16.