Shot! by daffodill


Today we decided to go out for lunch at Packwood House, or "Backward House" as the KHT thought it was called...

Unfortunately the lake walk was closed :( so we did the "Welly Walk', which was impressively muddy!

In a clearing we found some games including a rustic version of quoits. The KHT was delighted when she managed to throw one of the rings over the post. I was impressed that I mananged to capture it.

Packwood's long awaited cafe is great - I am just not so sure about the routes they expect people to take. If you try using the main toilet block you find yourself in an area with a staff only are then faced with going back through the lobby. Now I appreciate that they want to count people, but do they really want people with muddy footware going back through that congested area. You are then faced with the option of ducking under a rope or going through a lobby - guess what most people did.
Returning from our long and very muddy walk you cannot get round the car park side of the building, unless you go down to the car park and back again- or you retrace your steps and walk all the way round the building. It really feels like it was planned by people who aren't using the facilities, because the way people want to walk doesn't work...
That was well timed, what a great action shot!
February 22nd, 2014  
Two great shots!
February 23rd, 2014  
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