2015-02-07 by daleplatt


Warning! Long description!
Eventful day in Leicester. I went to see Alfie Brown in the evening and it was the oddest comedy show I've ever been to. There was a group of about 15-20 early-middle-aged men who I knew as soon as I walked in were going to ruin it. Sure enough, they were dicks and the show decended into farce. We went to Bob Slayer's late night show at the end of the day, and there they were again. Somebody brought up the fact that one of the group had dragged a woman out of the ladies toilet, citing "I needed a shit!" as his excuse. As the only person who was at the Alfie's show, I spoke out and told them how dickish they'd been and that they'd ruined it. Anyway, it got a bit heated and kicked off slightly, and I shouted at the ring-leader until he left with a few cronies in tow. It was only the next day that I found out that they were football hooligans! Over the next couple of days, I had 3 separate people stop me in the street or after shows to check I'd got home without being beaten up. Whoops.
This photo is Beth Vyse carrying a giant bum out of the venue before the "incident".
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