What to upgrade first?

September 12th, 2010
Ok, tough decision to make.

I've had my "good" camera put away for quite awhile, only pulling it out for a special occassion. This wasn't intentional, just couldn't get the motivation to shoot. 365 is part of my determination to start shooting again to spark creativity and just maybe, shoot some portraits again. Might as well make a buck or two right?

I've decided that my equipment needs upgrading. No doubt about it...my problem is what should I upgrade first? Camera body or lens? None of my present equipment is top of the line by any means. I do not have a 2.8 lens, which has always been my dream. My current DSLR is only a 6MP. It was a good camera when I bought it, I promise. That was about 4-5 years ago.

So, what would you do? I can't do both at the same time. Need to do one, then save and do the other. The only thing I know for sure is what I want! :)

Any thoughts?
September 12th, 2010
get a canon s95 - best of both worlds.
September 12th, 2010
When it comes time to upgrade my point and shoot..I may go in that direction. :)
September 12th, 2010
The D70s is still a decent camera. I have a D70 that I still use every once in a while. What is your budget for upgrading, and what is your current lens(es)?

The Nikon D7000 is expected to be announced on Wednesday, and it should have some pretty impressive specs and a $1200 price tag. I would plan to pick up this camera when it becomes available.

For lenses, it's hard to say without knowing what you got, what you're looking for, and what your budget is. (but a 35mm f/1.8 DX is a pretty useful one, and is relatively inexpensive.)
September 12th, 2010
Robin- If I were in your shoes I would upgrade my lens first, and go with the 2.8 lens you want. I understand your camera is only 6MP, but that should serve your needs well. In my understanding a 6MP camera should yield you a maximum recommended print size of 7x10" with 300dpi ( which is considered magazine quality ). So unless you plan on going bigger than this you should be alright with the quality of your prints.
September 12th, 2010
Thanks for all the advice/info. :) I have a feeling I will go back and forth on this one for a bit. Maybe I'll find a deal on one or the other that will "tell" me what to do! haha
September 12th, 2010
I know a pro photog still using a D70 for weddings. Wouldn't be my choice, but they're producing excellent work with it. And with the right algorithms you can resample to a good size if you need bigger than standard 8x10 prints anyway.

Consider whether or not the body can last a while longer, and whether or not it is able to do the job you bought it to do. If it does that, and has a good amount of life left in it, go for the lens - the glass will likely outlast several camera bodies. I don't think there's any sense putting your old glass (that you're clearly not happy with) in front of a new camera that, because of the limitations of your glass, won't be able to do much better than what you've got now.

However, if your D70 has taken 50000 shots and looks a bit beat up, it would not be so great if you bought your new f/2.8 glass and then had your shutter mechanism fall apart. That would mean no photos at all.

I'm in a similar situation myself - I want to buy more glass, but am nearing the end of my camera body's life. I can't afford to take the risk (my camera pays my bills), so it's going to be another body for me. Wish it was glass, though. ;)
September 12th, 2010
if still not in your collection...i recommend lens first, try canon 50mm f/1.4 prime lens...then a "full frame body" canon 5d mark II...cheers!
September 12th, 2010
Another vote for lens first. 6mp is plenty for nearly all photography needs. Even our semi-pro portraits taken as Sears were done with a 6mp camera and they are just great.
September 21st, 2010
I'd also say lens.

and to echo french_blue a 50mm prime is an excellent choice. (which comes out to 80-85 on crop frame cameras like most of ours)

I don't know what camera system you're on but I picked up a canon 50mm 1.8 for $100 US from Amazon (you can't miss it on there, it has like a billion reviews and reading them you'd think it was made of gold.... actually, it might be).

The prime has helped me a lot, and of course, if you later up your body, and stay with the same system, it goes to the new body with you.
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