
September 29th, 2010
Hey guys!

So, I need your opinion on something and would really appreciate your input if you do not mind :)

For the past couple of months, I've been wanting to wanting to upgrade my camera (Nikon D90) to a full frame camera.

I'm trying to decide between:

Nikon D700 / Canon 5D MK II

The thing is... is that I'm not going to purchase it tomorrow, next week or even this month. I want to use this camera upgrade as my motivation for the year and buy it towards the end of the school year and have it be my graduation present to myself. Also, my current camera isn't that run down yet. So for the next 9 months, I'm going to use my camera to its fullest extent and then upgrade.
Makes sense right?

Here's my main dilemma:
D700: 80% of my camera equipment is Nikon; lenses, remote, film camera bodies, flash etc.
5D MKII: It's features seem much better than that of Nikon.

To any photographers on here who have either camera- How do you like it? What is a quality of either camera that you enjoy the most? Would you recommend it?

And to those who don't posses these cameras but still would like to share, go ahead!
Which do you think I should purchase? Why?

September 29th, 2010
I know I'd probably stay with Nikon because I do have lenses that would be fully compatible with a full frame body. The D700 will work with Nikon's DX lenses, but it will work like a crop sensor body (D90, for example). So, if you don't have any lenses that would work full frame with the D700 you might have to invest in some new lenses if you want to take full advantage of the full sized sensor. And if you went to Canon, it would be something of a learning curve since Canon uses some different terminology with their cameras. Nothing that can't be learned in a short while. And Nikon lenses definitely wouldn't mount to the Canon.
You might enjoy this article:

especially the conclusion.
September 29th, 2010
Canon MK II - HD movies, newer, more pixels, etc... but if you've got Nikon lenses then it might not be worth your while. If you're only using the kit lens and perhaps A N Other, I'd sell the equipment and go for Canon though.

Having said that, who knows what might be out in 9 months time...
September 29th, 2010
I'd say go for the D700, but I only shoot Nikon so that's obviously what I would suggest. :P
September 29th, 2010
Stick with Nikon. Strange, coming from a Canon shooter? Maybe. The thing is, both are good systems, and you'll be spending so much more by switching to Canon. Unless there is something remarkable about Canon that you really like, stick with what you already have, and put the money you'll save towards more glass (or even a D3 or something instead of the D700). Also, I think you'll find a new body will be released by the end of the year. D800 perhaps. And, Canon will be replacing the 5D Mark II also - it seems fairly certain that, even though it is newer than the 1Ds Mk III, the 5 will be replaced before the 1.

Having shot both cameras, I don't think there's enough of a difference to go to the Canon if you already shoot Nikon. Unless you want video. But then, there are Nikon options for that. And if someone already shot Canon, I'd say the same - no point in changing systems, since both are so good.

Just my 2 cents. :) I used to shoot Nikon film cameras, and switched to Canon only because Nikon did not have a good digital product at the time.
September 29th, 2010
If you dont need hd movies stay with Nikon as you have already many lenses.
September 29th, 2010
Long story short..... stick with NIkon since you already have a lot of Nikon equipment...... Nothing against Canon at all, Just consider that you will probably want to replace all of the Nikon specific equipment with Canon specific equipment if you decided to change....... that would cost you a lot more depending on your equipment inventory.

Also you may want to consider the learning curve involved with going to a new brand...... You're going to have one anyway just by upgrading, but by switching brands it may longer as you learn the menu's and buttons etc.

That being said, I think jinx is right in saying that BOTH brands are exceptional and you really couldnt go wrong either way. In the end its a matter of personal preference and how much you are willing to spend. I'd suggest going to a camera store and trying both out. play with the buttons, and menus. see how they feel in your hands, and go with what feels good and what you think you will be able to get the most out of.
September 29th, 2010
Yes.... touchy/feely is the way to go!!! If it feels right - then that's the one to choose!
September 29th, 2010
I'd hold off to see what Nikon brings to the table with the D700 replacement. I have not purchased a single DX Nikon lens in preparation for the move to FX. The D700 is a great rig, but a little dated. I have an issue dropping that kind of cash down on a ~2 year old technology. I know pros that wouldn't hesitate to buy this camera, but for those of us not making a living through photography and considering the leap to FX I vote to wait. That being said, that "old" technology performs better than the Canon in low light situations. :) One last thing to consider is what menu system you prefer. Both are great cameras. If I wasn't invested in Nikon glass, this would be a tough choice. Good luck.
September 30th, 2010
It is all digi-tech stuff. The more you wait,the cheaper it gets, and the more obsolete everything else gets. If your D90 works ok, why switch? Buy lenses instead. The good ones never go obsolete.

If I want to shoot full frame, I shoot my 35mm with Velvia 50. It gets better results anyway (hint)
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