30 Of The Most Powerful Images Ever

November 6th, 2013
Thought I would share ~ some of these are amazingly powerful

November 6th, 2013
in a word...WOW!
November 6th, 2013
The pen is mightier than the sword but the camera can be mightier still.
Thanks for sharing those.
November 6th, 2013
@alisonp the photo's brought tears to my eyes. So very impressive...
Thank you, Alison, for sharing this link!
November 6th, 2013
Wow, I was doing ok until I got to #20....
November 6th, 2013
Thank you for sharing, these are such powerful images. Really makes you stop and think!
November 6th, 2013
The first one on here will haunt me. Very powerful.
November 6th, 2013
I'd add the one of the firefighter carrying the baby after the Oklahoma City bombing.
November 6th, 2013
Truly amazing photos. Thank you for sharing the link, Alison!
November 7th, 2013
Some of these were so hard to look at but so necessary to remember.
November 7th, 2013
I have to scroll fast for some of them, but love the one with cats on the head.
November 7th, 2013
So powerful and so moving. Thank you for sharing.
November 8th, 2013
Heartbreaking and inspiring by turns. Thank you so much for sharing this link.
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