Young talent

December 2nd, 2013
I am absolutely in awe of the skills and imagination that this young man has. Finding work like this really brings a smile to my face.

Hope you don't mind me sharing.
December 2nd, 2013
I don't mind you sharing at all! Thank you! those are great pictures! that kid got talent :)
December 2nd, 2013
What an amazing set of shots from this youngman . Clearly a very talented and imaginative lad. Thanks for pointing the way to the 'framed network ' site. But this could start a whole new discussion , 'When does photography Stop and computer manipulation start ?'
December 2nd, 2013
those are awesome!

and @jonhen - that discussion has been had many a time... hopefully, while we may not all agree on where the boundary lies, and while art may be in the eye of the beholder, we can all agree that this kid's got great imagination and some mad skills :)
December 2nd, 2013
Wow! He has a fantastic imagination! What a great talent!
December 2nd, 2013
He's such a creative photographer! I thoroughly enjoyed looking through his work. I wonder (and this is assuming that he continues photography to adulthood) just how much more talented he will become!
December 2nd, 2013
Such creative shots- wish I enjoyed doing selfies!
December 2nd, 2013
Wow, amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing.
December 2nd, 2013
I saw this site before!!!! He is super good! He must have a lot of free time on his hands to edit like that.
December 10th, 2013
Wish he was my kid so he could teach me something lol.
January 3rd, 2014
Wow wow wow! Loved this. thanks for sharing your find.
January 3rd, 2014
I love the story within each picture.
January 11th, 2014
Amazing work, very talented young man. thanks for sharing.
January 14th, 2014
Wow, this kid does great work. thanks for sharing.
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