
October 25th, 2010
I don't want to be a buzz kill.

I realize that on the internet, privacy is anything but private. But with the addition of the "Like" button, and some news about google (speculation on it for awhile), now might be a good time to rethink some of your internet habits.

Remember, your information is very valuable to advertisers, our internet habits earn facebook billions.

Besides, its annoying to have every experience catered to me. Don't you agree?
October 25th, 2010
I agree wholeheartedly with the last line. Very annoying.
October 25th, 2010
I hate being catered too !! I cancelled my Facebook page last year....I saw the writing on the wall ! Our info isn't safe anywhere on the internet, but playing around on social sites only makes the problem worse ! I sat down and thought about what I wanted out of the internet, and Facebook doesn't fit in with those plans !
A lot of people get on sites like Facebook because they have a product or service to sell.....well so does 54 million other people !! And every time you log on, you're being tracked ! No thanks !
October 25th, 2010
I agree!!! I still haven't found out what that Like button does, either. Does your photo get posted to somebody elses' FB or what? Because that doesn't thrill me at all.
@nyweb I closed my writer FB Page for privacy reasons too, Pete. I'm extremely picky about my privacy settings/friends on my personal FB Page.
October 26th, 2010
That "like button" just lets people who posted a pic or made a comment know that someone likes it !
October 26th, 2010
Interesting topic thread Anthony.

I recently took all my personal photos down (because of lots of family kids in it), plus I am a teacher and don't like the fact that photos of me during nights out with friends are out there for my kids to find either directly or through a 3rd party (and they all look you up) :oP

I also took my photos off to watermark because hate the thought of anyone taking them (however not a high rez they would get) and making them their own. Many people have had their images stolen too and fake accounts made up.

I also took all my personal info off, again the whole too much information of myself online and people knowing/being able to take my info, especially photos.

Like you Faerie I have security settings to the max and if people do click on your photo with a like, then a 3rd party can view the entire album. Not secure at all.

So it's up to me. If I don't want anyone or certain people seeing stuff then I just don't post it. But yes the whole photo/like button thing is a concern.

October 26th, 2010
@clarissajohal -
"...More immediately, it also aims to get you to "like" the brand yourself, which then serves as a sort of all-purpose opt-in, allowing the advertiser to insert future messages into your feed."

Opt-in is the key here. It allows adverstisers to make contact with you. Again, this is fine. You should just know what you're getting into.

PS - I love 365project. Just thought people should know why that "button" is popping up on every website.
October 26th, 2010
@nyweb But it's hooked up to FaceBook, am I correct? I know what it does, I'm just not sure of the connection to 365
October 26th, 2010
@clarissajohal Are you refering to the 'fave' button on 365?
October 26th, 2010
@clarissajohal and is the fave button just recent on 365?
October 26th, 2010
@debmayne - yeah, like maybe a week or so.
October 26th, 2010
@crappysailor Ah really? Interesting. So what are your thoughts of people being able to click on your work and have it 'saved' in their fave folder? And, can you delete a person clicking your image as a fave like you can comments?
October 26th, 2010
@debmayne - Fav's don't bother me. Thats internal to 365. I actually like the ability to "fav" someones photo. I think the design of this site is great. I just wanted to let people know that pushing the "like" button is a form of advertising that FB has exported all over the web. So when you see it, just be aware that its compiling all that info to target advertise.
October 26th, 2010
@crappysailor It would be nice to have the option of disabling the Fave buttons for our own photos. I don't want my photos floating around FB. I had enough of a hard time setting up the Privacy buttons on my personal FB
October 26th, 2010
@clarissajohal ....If you're linking Facebook to 365 or any other social site, Facebook users have access to all those sites ! Privacy ? Everyone should realize that nothing is secure on these sites ! A good hacker can tap into one of your sites, and your connection will lead him to all the other sites you link up to ! My bank (Bank of America), is constantly having problems with hackers and security ! What chance does Facebook or 365 have ? I'm amazed that everybody uses a watermark thinking this will deter or stop theft of images ! I know from just playing around with my own images that I can crop to get rid of the watermark, clone it out, or if someone figures out how to disable right click, I would just take a screen shot, save it to my computer, and crop a picture out that way ! A watermark was not designed to deter theft, it's there to allow visitors to know who's shot it is to possibly find them ! Watermarks were designed as a form of advertising ! Some how, someone decided it would stop theft !! It's a sad fact, but the internet is not the place for protection from devious and clever individuals !!!!
October 26th, 2010
Okay--I asked Ross and he said the Like button just shares the 365 site with FB, not your photo. That's fine--I don't have a problem with that.
October 26th, 2010
@clarissajohal - yup, thats all. Which is fine. Advertisers that work with FB know the types of things you are interested based on the "Like" button. So when you hit it on sites, they know what you are interested in. And if I'm not mistaken, cater ads specifically to you.

Not a huge deal. But just be aware. Thats all.
October 26th, 2010
@crappysailor @clarissajohal @nyweb

You can't blame "The internet" this isn't a web phenomenon, credit card companies started it all off, they know everything you purchase and at what shops. Then "Loyalty card" schemes in supermarkets that send personalised letters every month based on what i have been buying recently.

Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen, but it certainly wont be stopping any time soon. Google make billions from their relevant ad placements on search result pages

At the end of the day, most consumers are happy to sell a bit of themselves for "free" services.
October 26th, 2010
@Scrivna - agreed and we can go on and on about what other things use this model. Just wanted to make people aware. You know, "caveat emptor" and all.

Didn't mean for it to come across as complaining. And I don't mean to blame the internet. My apologies.
October 26th, 2010
@nyweb Good points. I am not ignorant to think a watermark stops people if they want your image but it may act as a deterant. :0)

If someone wants your image that bad, and have the smarts, they will get it. I like people to know it is my photograph and will continue to watermark.

It is just how the web is, like you say privacy? :0)
October 26th, 2010
@crappysailor No, I don't have an issue with it, and use it a fair deal. Being new, I wasn't aware it was a new feature. I don't have this linked to my FB account as I actually started this 365 project on my FB page in an album to begin with, then found out about this great website! But yes, I see your point and agree. Again, good topic thread! :0)
October 26th, 2010
@crappysailor I didn't think it came across as complaining. Meanings and tone are lost in text or hard to guage at times. :0)
October 26th, 2010
@Scrivna Yup, too true. :0)
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