Playing With The Moon

November 4th, 2010

"Laurent Laveder's day job — wait, actually — I guess it's a night job. Hm. Laurent Laveder's primary occupation is as a landscape astrophotographer and astronomy journalist. His photographs have appeared on NASA sites and international astronomy magazines, and he is part of an international collective of astronomy photographers called The World At Night. But his pet project, "Moon Games," has recently been published as a small book in France."

More on his website at
November 4th, 2010
I can only DREAM of taking shots like that !! Actually, I can only DREAM of buying the equipment !!!!
November 4th, 2010
Cool pictures! Thanks for sharing.
November 4th, 2010
@nyweb --- Oh, I don't know. Even with a tripod and a point and shoot camera I think it would be doable. It looks like this guy has an open field where he can photograph the moon when it's low. With some creativity and practice I bet you could get some fun shots.

For me timing and location would not make this too easy. I live amoungst houses and trees and don't have a nearby open spaces. Maybe though the idea can be adapted for something else. Hmmmm .... thinking now. ;-)
November 4th, 2010
You hit the nail on the head ! My place is surrounded by trees 80-100' high ! There ARE rare occasions when the moon is high enough, the light is just right, and the mosquitoes, fox, and deer leave me alone !! Lol !!
November 4th, 2010
They are great pictures. Thanks!!
November 4th, 2010
Amazing pictures and great ideas for moonshots. Thanks for sharing!
November 4th, 2010
thanks for sharing! very cool
November 5th, 2010
Since I shoot the moon through an astronomical telescope, my moon shots are all, naturally, upside down.
November 5th, 2010
Oh Noooooo I was hoping to keep this a secret until I had the opp to play with the moon. Dang! Oh well when camera returns I'll see what excites me.
@revjoel the moon confuses me - I was told your pix are the right way up for me (in Australia) ... confused in most things astronomical.
November 5th, 2010
I don't think it works that way, Carlita, even in Oz!
November 10th, 2010

I love photographing the moon,I took this one evening on my way home from the car window,just wish it was sharper :)
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