Joplin doctor details tornado aftermath

May 28th, 2011
I really don't know how many of you are aware of the tornado that tore through Joplin, Missouri just days ago... but I had not given it much thought until I read this article.

It's not that I didn't care.... I guess I just treated it like any other huge world disaster that makes headlines on the news every week. Things like the earthquake that devastated Japan... or the 9/11 terrorist attack... they are things that... sometimes I can't even understand. It's like I can't even IMAGINE them happening. I watch the news and coverage of these horrific disasters with disbelief... with heart ache... with anger. Anger at either the people who are causing innocent, helpless people harm... or many of times... anger at natural disasters. Unstoppable, "nightmarish" natural disasters. Disasters beyond human strength...

Right now...I dont even know how to put my thoughts into words. I dont know how to explain how I am feeling.. but after reading this article.... it really REALLY touched me.

The article was written by an ER doctor who was on duty in the hospital that got demolished by this deadly tornado. He saw everything. Heard everything. Witnessed it all and did an amazing job retelling the unbelievable sights that played before his eyes.

While reading it... tears just started streaming down my face.
If you read this article... I wouldn't be surprised if the same happens to you.

We are so blessed you guys.

Here is the article if you are interested:

It's long, but really worth the read.
May 28th, 2011
Definitely worth the read. Thanks for sharing. Being in a neighboring state that also has had deadly tornadoes it has really hit home. I have been through natural disasters and it is a terrifying thing, the article conveys that helpless, I don't know what is happening next feeling very well.
May 28th, 2011
@rlowen - I agree. I can't even describe how the article makes me feel. ah! its so horrible. just makes me want to cry. In the past few days I have been in about 3 tornado warnings... imagine if one of those actually consisted of a tornado that touched down and destroyed my town. I am so thankful what happened in MI hasn't happened here yet. And I'm so glad you are okay too.
May 28th, 2011
Wow. I live about 200 miles north of Joplin, it is weird to think something so horrific happened so close...
May 28th, 2011
@comfortplenty - speechless...
May 28th, 2011
Thanks for posting, Lauren. I'm crying, too. :'{
May 28th, 2011
Thanks for posting. I'm still reading, but having an ADD moment.
I live in Oklahoma, so tornadoes are nothing new to me. One hit my home town this week, and though an EF-4, was no where near as destructive as the one that hit Joplin.

May 28th, 2011
Wow! Living in a state where we are long overdue for a major earthquake, I can both sympathize and be thankful our time has not arrived- thanks for sharing Lauren
May 28th, 2011
the hairs on my skin stood up.....speechless.... twas a nice blog . good job dr kevin kitka
May 28th, 2011
Wow...amazing story. Thanks for sharing...
May 28th, 2011
wow. just wow.
May 28th, 2011
Important to remember, thanks for sharing.
May 28th, 2011
My heart is broken for those poor people, but what a brave town as well as all those people. We complan about our poor weather, in fact we are blessed.thank you for sharing.
May 28th, 2011
I live in Nixa, Missouri, next to Springfield. Its just awesome how much support there is for Joplin right now. So many fundraisers and collections for supplies and money. My dad who lives in Springfield, Illinois has even started a collection for things which he has gotten a great turn out with so far! Makes me proud of him. Hes been getting tons of calls from people wanting to help out and donate. He is bringing everything he gets to Joplin next weekend and staying for a day or so to help out and most likely i will be going with him to help out however i can.

That article leaves me speechless. How amazing and horrifying. It really puts everything into perspective. My mom works for st.johns medical supply and she has had the opportunity to help out a woman who's house was destroyed. She needed oxygen. She had none of the information, documents, or money that is required for oxygen to be given to her, but my moms boss allowed her to give it to the woman anyway and said not to worry about the money. This is a big deal because it just isnt normally allowed. My mom said she was so happy to be able to help her. Im so proud of the people who sacrifice and help. Thank you for posting this Lauren!
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