5 Questions Photographer Should Ask Themselves

June 18th, 2011

1. Why are you shooting? Are you a story teller? Do you consider yourself a historian, preserving moments in time? Knowing WHY you are shooting is important. It could possibly control the outcome of any given shot.

2. Are you passionate about the subject(s) you photograph? Do you LOVE your subjects? Do they keep you awake at night? Is there something else you’d rather be shooting? If you’re not following your heart, then serious photography may not be for you. If you don’t care about your subject then it’s doubtful you’ll care about the photos.

3. Who are you shooting for? Are you shooting for yourself? Are you shooting for a boss who pays you? Knowing your audience can absolutely impact a photo. If you consider the audience, and balance their desires with your own, you usually end up with better images.

4. Do you make each shutter press count? Photography is like a time machine. It’s role in our lives is significant. Few things impact us like photography. Accordingly, are you making sure each image counts? Are you doing the best you can to preserve that moment or capture that instant in time?

5. Are you looking for permission to fail? Too many photographers; especially new photographers, seem to be looking for permission to fail. If only they had a new camera or better access to the models or better light to work with, all would be well. Sorry – it’s just like everything else in life. You have to want it. You have to work for it. You have to go for it.
June 18th, 2011
I especially like #5
June 18th, 2011
I so agree with these Meagan. For me, failure is not an option. We get back what we put in. I certainly have many sleepless nights lost in creativity and whenever I have a shoot with a client I still get butterflies and excess energy beforehand ... such an amazing buzz to do what you really are 'passionate' about.
Bring it on!

Thanks for sharing this. Love it!
June 18th, 2011
love it.
June 18th, 2011
=/ This makes me feel like I shouldn't be a photographer, half of these I do/don't do! =/
June 18th, 2011
These are great questions. I do especially like #5 because as a complete novice I initially had quite a few excuses myself, but then my husband told me (whose dad is a professional photographer/documentary film maker) "a good photographer can get a good shot with any camera."
June 18th, 2011
great questions - I like all of them and try not to fall into the trap of number 5 - dont always succeed but at least i try : )
June 18th, 2011
These are pretty good questions. To be quite honest, I've never thought of most of these topics. Cool! I also think 5 is the most important question.
June 18th, 2011
interesting. I find #5 a bit curious. The first four are geared around confidence and dare I say ego; they're to be uplifting and stimulating. Good positive commentary to spur us on, and then the 5th one is almost the excuse itself. To me, its kinda like #1 "You are the historian, you are capturing a moment that maybe no one else will ever see" and #2 is "love love LOVE it, get in there, feel that moment, be involved" because #3 "people are gonna love love LOVE your photo, and they are gonna be there right behind you" and the hype continues, its escalating with #4 "You may only have ONE opportunity, make this SHOT count"... it is getting climatic in here, the crescendo, and now for the money shot...

said in a voice of misery...

"oh yeah, but don't look for failure..."
June 18th, 2011
@bobfoto That is really odd. I found 5 to be the most uplifting and motivating.

"Don't look for failure because you are totally freakin' awesome as you are"
June 18th, 2011
I like #2 - do they keep you awake at night? YES!
June 18th, 2011
@sobefree Take photos because they make you happy. The rest of it will come. (: Sometimes it's easy to get wrapped up in a professionals viewpoint of what "Something Should Be. " (In other words--don't stop taking photos!!!)
June 18th, 2011
wow. makes you think don't it
June 18th, 2011
I like this, a lot.
June 19th, 2011
I don't do any of that stuff. :/
June 19th, 2011
@clarissajohal Awwww thank you :) Of course, that is why I take photos :)
June 19th, 2011
#5 is interesting. Is it saying you need to work for better gear? I know I can take good photos with my phone, but it will never let me take the up-close photos of birds that I love - I need a zoom lens for that!
June 19th, 2011
Thats more then 5 questions.
June 20th, 2011
I actually have to agree with jason (@bobfoto). Not that #5 isn't important. I do agree with the message of "You have to want it. You have to work for it. You have to go for it." But like Jason said, the first four seem to be rather positive and inspirational while #5, to me anyway, was kind of a downer... it came across a bit negative, almost as a warning, or a scolding or reprimand of "don't blame others or other things (like a junk camera or poor lighting) for your shortfalls". again... not that it isn't true! we shouldn't blame others or circumstances, and we do need to want it, and work for it. I just agree wtih Jason's opinion that it's a bit negative (again, in my eyes) especially compared to the other four... =^/
June 20th, 2011
lol @azza_l that is indeed more than 5 questions! =)
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