I am curious...

September 29th, 2011
I am 2 weeks into 365, and I am very curious as to how many hours a day everyone spends here and how many photos you have in your 365 project folder?? I am up to 2200... and I certainly spend a lot of time looking at all of the photos in amazement, there are so, so many talented photographers on this site, the creativity is flowing.
I will admit I am just a little obsessed... cheers
September 29th, 2011
I wish I spent as much time looking at pictures as I spent taking them/torturing my cat. Welcome to the party.
September 29th, 2011
ha, ha, ha Hilarious, I love your cat... and he has a lot of patience...
September 29th, 2011
No idea how many photos I have in my folder, as I seperate them by locations, etc. But I can only get on here while babe is sleeping (like right now) so that's probably a good thing......
September 29th, 2011
I checked my shutter count on my Nikon D5000 I got in March and it is already nearing 15,000. I can only imagine how many more than that I have taken since I am well into my second year of the project! LOL As for how much time I spend here, not enough. It used to be too much but time and schedules are keeping me from visiting and commenting as much as I would like. =(
September 29th, 2011
I try to spend less than an hour total on the computer a day, but that does not include taking the photo time. I'm at the point where I take a quick look through the dashboard but make an effort to comment on those regular commenters on my photos. As for the number of photos I have taken since Dec 18 - THOUSANDS!
September 29th, 2011
Welcome to 365!
September 29th, 2011
Welcome to 365.

To me it's a rollercoaster. When I'm home on the weekends, I spend way more time here than I probably should, but as you stated, there are some amazing photos here. Time taking photos runs anywhere from half hour to several depending upon what I want to try and accomplish that day.

That being said, I've taken a lot of photos, but I have been eliminating most of them after each day. I've taken at least one each day to post, but once I've posted, pretty much most of them go by the wayside. I'll keep the really good ones, but I'm not going to keep stuff I'm never going to look at again.
September 29th, 2011
welcome! I think my photo count is nearing 20,000 and I've 30 days to go! it depends what i am up to as to how much time i spend on here. Normally process and upload every day (about hal and hour to an hour) and then a further hour to hour and a half commenting if i have a lazy evening!!
September 29th, 2011
I try to spend some time each days upload checking out everyone's posts for the day. I wish I had more time to get out and shoot more. I admire those of you who are getting close to completion. It's much harder than I thought it would be to complete each day.

Between my wife's and my photos combined we are pushing 50k in our database, this was started around 2006.
September 29th, 2011
thanks for the responses so far, I guess we all spend a lot of our day here, I am off to take my photo for the day... I think the local skateboard park, but I will see what I find along the way
September 30th, 2011
On weekdays I spend a half hour to an hour taking photos and getting in my daily walk. On weekends I try for 2 to 3 hours on my rambles. I average about 30 photos a day, except when I go to certain places where I can end up with hundreds of shots in 3 hours. I make it a point to look at all photos on my dashboard each day. I think I would rather really follow a manageable number of people than to follow tons of people and not be able to give them the attention they deserve. The actual numbers are 3197 pics in my project folder and 200 posted since 5/26/11. I have deleted lots of photos that I felt were bad or had no merit.
September 30th, 2011
@msartsy I am spending far more time on here than I ever thought I would but it is an amzing site with so much to see and learn. It is really like a community or even a family
September 30th, 2011
Thanks once again for all of your replies. I think I am becoming part of the 365 community, cause we all have thousands of photos and love to look into the lives of other people through their photos... it was great fun and I will continue on to day 16. Hmmm what will I try and capture tomorrow??? The question of the day... Cheers
September 30th, 2011
Day to day, it really depends on where I am, and what's around me. I can (often very easily) take hundreds of shots in a couple of hours in city or natural settings. Some days, a couple dozen (when I don't feel creative) in a twenty-minute walk around the neighborhood. I prune the collection to candidates that can be useful in various projects. I pick a handful for my blog post ( http://jeancarl.com) and then one or two to showcase on 365.

As for how many pictures I have? Lots. I'm afraid I'll be finding out if the suggested camera life is really true or not. Taking photos each day has definitely increased the rate I am approaching 100k.
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