Quick Learner

January 4th, 2012
... only the things I've learned so far aren't good. I've learned that indoor photography is a lot more difficult than outdoor photography - for several different reasons. I've learned that the lighting in my old house is terrible for pictures. I've learned that going to work when it's still dark out in the morning, then coming home at dusk but still having a bunch of stuff to do before I can even think about picking up the camera, isn't working out so well. I've learned I don't like going outside in 18 degree weather to look for a good night shot (well, okay, so not going outside in 18 degree weather is something I never liked anyways.... this is just a refresher; but I've never done night photography and I can't learn or pay attention when my nostrils freeze when I breath!) I've also learned that with my house being kind of small, and with a husband and 21 year old daughter who are unwilling participants, it's easier for me to wait until they're gone or in bed before I can do anything. I'll come up with something before the night is through - I hope. I'm determined to stick with this as much as I can. But once again it'll be a late night posting.
January 4th, 2012
My house isn't great for photography, either. I have to either use the flash or wait for really bright days, which are uncommon during a winter in Seattle, lol. I don't like taking photos out in the cold or wet, either. Luckily, the house has all sorts of interesting things inside and, if I'm at a loss, the cats are usually doing something that I want to get a photo of.
January 4th, 2012
I have my dogs to fall back on, but I need to start finding ways of thinking more creatively about the other things around me. Finding inspiration is a little harder than I anticipated. I thought I had some good ideas heading into this project, but they're not working out so well. I need more experience to make some of those ideas work. Hopefully this project will help me to improve and those tricky shots will get easier, but until then I'm finding it hard to get started.
January 4th, 2012
I am only starting out myself however the best advice I could give is, invest in a lamp. You can put it behind things or yourself keeping it out of cameras way to cast light and shadow. Recently I have come across someone shooting pictures to a theme of a great song, you could pick a theme each day and go with that. GIMP is a free editing software if you can't afford photoshop, youtube have heaps of tutorials on how to use both, you can do amazing things with editing. Think outside the box, I understand how hard it can get when you can't go on an adventure everyday. Another picture I like was simply of packaging, it recieved 14 favs and over 100 views. You could try the egg carton with the lamp, rocks, fences anything you cast your eye of, try new angles it makes things look different. Sorry for babbling lol just trying to offer some ideas :) @lasco
January 4th, 2012
I broke down and bought a set of studio lights, cause most indoor lighting sucks. Plus I needed them for portraits. Another option for indoor photography is "light painting" If you have a long exposure available you can use a flashlight to put light where you want it and as much or as little depending on the exposure.
Here is an example I think I used a 1-2 second exposure and a completely dark room.

And this one was done with a small flashlight behind the bulb and some light painting done on the front with a different flashlight. Again I think it was a 1-2 second exposure.

I hope this helps some.
January 4th, 2012
Forgot to mention with no helpers you may need to use the self timer to shoot and light paint. Like the one above required two hands.
January 4th, 2012
Thanks so much for the great ideas! I could use all the help I can get!
January 4th, 2012
One fun tool I've found recently is a small, hand held LED flashlight. It doesn't heat up, and usually gives a nice clean light. I've gotten some good shots with it.

I held the flash light to the side of the butterfly while taking the picture. The room lights were off.

This one was a similar set up.

For these two, I actually tapped the leaf to the flash light. It's base is flat, so it sat straight up and back lit these two shots.

In all 4 of these, the room was completely dark save computer screens and the flash light.
January 4th, 2012
You will also, at some point find your niche and the inspiration will be mostly endless... Hang in there!
January 4th, 2012
@lasco - I'm often shooting late at night when my husband is sleeping. When I can't sleep, I experiment. :-)
January 4th, 2012
i have shot images from 30 below to 950 degrees, inside a house on fire, floods, riots, and everything in between. from the ranges there is one constant. a photographer, a camera, and the passion to make a good image. think of a fun challenge, and not give up :) keep learning, and when frustration hits, keep on plugging away, grab a cup o 'joe when needed, and have fun :)
January 4th, 2012
Light-painting is great fun and easy to do. This shot I took using an LED thingie I've got that plugs into a usb port and changes colour. Swing it around and see what you come up with. I also did some editing on this but only quick and easy editing.

And water is always great to use. Just grab somethng, place it in your sink and click away, use a flash to freeze the water.

January 4th, 2012
@shuterfly @lolanae @coolgirlsar Thankyou for your ideas & examples, I can't wait to experiment in the dark tonight!

@lasco If you don't have much time either side of work, think about your lunch break. Can you get out for 15 mintues & take photos of something not far from work?
January 4th, 2012
Wow! Great ideas and some amazing photos! I hope there will come a time when I can find that streak of creativity and hopefully a small amount of talent. I really appreciate the tips and coments.
January 4th, 2012
@Angela, I work in an aerospace facility and we're not supposed to bring cameras to work. And I'm hesitant to leave one in the car when it's too cold or too hot out. I might be able to try that in the spring or in the fall though. There are two beautiful swans that I often see in a nearby pond.
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