Has anyone got a spare $6000

January 6th, 2012
The information on the D4 has been leaked and Nikon are releasing it early. Now to figure out where I left that spare change!
January 6th, 2012
i've got a few bucks I can spare. . .for you
January 6th, 2012
If you find it, could you please double it. I want a few lenses and such! Thanks :)
January 6th, 2012
I was just about to ask for spare change for one....want to split it...shared custody?
January 6th, 2012
let me pull it out of my a$$ for you....
January 6th, 2012
Instead of asking one person for $6000, ask 600 people for $10. I'm in.
January 6th, 2012
@jbenninger Does that make it shared custody 600 ways? That's one day every 2 years.
January 6th, 2012
It would have to be understood that sharing would totally be at your discretion. I don't take the best care of my camera all the time, so I would not want one that costs as much as a car.
January 6th, 2012
I couldn't live with one that expensive, my camera has to be able to run with me, no good having a great camera that is always safely at home!
January 6th, 2012
How about asking 600 people for $10 like @jbenninger suggested, in return for a signed digital copy of a photo taken with it! Now that's a deal!
January 6th, 2012
@jeancarl Purrrfect...I'll just set up the account so that you can all contribute.
January 6th, 2012
I've seen it too in the Nikon Newsletter this morning :-) beautiful beast, but for now I still love my D90 and have plenty of room to progress with it ;-)
January 6th, 2012
But just for fun, I would be curious to try the ISO 204800 :-)
January 6th, 2012
I have no money, what with the Twin Pirates and all. But we are practically neighbours, and neighbours share, right? ;)
January 6th, 2012
The check is in the mail. I can borrow it on weekends, right?
January 6th, 2012
@jbenninger Brilliant idea! I remember that guy who put an ad in a national newspaper asking 100 000 people to each donate a dollar so he could buy a house for him and his kids to live in. He got the money! I've got a spare $10 Sue. Only $5980 to go!
January 6th, 2012
If anyone, ANYONE, has the spare dosh to give me, I'll be most appreciative!
January 6th, 2012
@kloud yup, I have it, I also own a bridge I could sell you :P
January 6th, 2012
Seriously though, are you familiar with Jerry & Esther (Abraham) Hicks? They are the MASTERS of how to make your dreams come true!! They are the reason I am now living my dream life and it gets better and better every single day! They are the reason I've spent the last 6 months travelling around the USA from Australia in my own BMW, though I live off welfare for the time being! Get a catalogue or print pictures off the net or cut them out of magazines of what you want and put them up on your wall where you will see them EVERY SINGLE DAY!! If anyone tells you you're dreaming, tell the to mind their own business and that you didn't ask them to steal your dream, so bugger off!! ..or better yet, ask what THEIR dream is! When you look at the pictures, don't do it with an air of desperate longing, but look at them with a sense of excited anticipation of how awesome it's gonna be when you have you brand new Nikon D4! Don't concern yourself with HOW it's going to happen, but simply FEEL good! FEEL great! FEEL gratitude for what you already have and for the exquisite goodness that is yet to fall into your life!

For more info, YouTube "Abraham Hicks' or read books by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Your local library will have them! I've been studying this for years now and am happy to answer questions if you or anyone else has them..??
January 6th, 2012
@jbenninger @tabbycat @swilde I love the idea, and helping someone's dreams come true is amazing.....I'll give you $20 every little bit counts.
January 6th, 2012
you should set up a paypal so it's all secure and then people really could help you save :D
January 6th, 2012
January 6th, 2012
@tabbycat I also have done an inspiration board..... within 1 week of putting a picture of a pug up I had him in my hands :) I'm a believer.
January 6th, 2012
@tabbycat - you have just given me inspiration by reading what you have posted - am checking them out now. Am a firm believer in this. I need a lot of luck and help this year (too detailed, and to personal to share with strangers right now)....I am going to look up Ester and Jerry Hicks, I have no idea who they are.....
January 6th, 2012
@simplysnapped Hehee...love it!! I was on welfare with not a cent to my name 2 years ago, but I dared to put a picture of a racoon waving an American flag above my bed. I REALLY wanted to get to America, but had no money or credit to make it happen! Just a few months after putting my little racoon on the wall, miracles happened and I was on my way to Oregon for a spiritual retreat! Sometimes, I can manifest things within hours these days!

@sharonaddison Excellent to hear! Abraham will blow your mind in the best of ways! :-) Let us know how you go!
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