What are you using your 365 for?

January 6th, 2012
Hello! :D
I am new here and have noticed everyone uses their 365 for all sorts of different things.
I use mine as a daily diary basically, but have noticed people have themes, some people just do random things I love all the different things people are doing with theirs :D
what are you doing with yours? :)
January 6th, 2012
Mine started out as a distraction while my husband was deployed. I've done themes, challenges, and series along the way. I learned a few months in to stop stressing, and just make it "mine". Does that make sense? I've also used this to learn new ways to shoot, new ideas, and new methods.
January 6th, 2012
I'm new also and wanted it do this to learn new techniques and also to get ideas from the work other people posted. Am creating a shoot list of things I want to try.
January 6th, 2012
mostly to comment on photos my daughter posts here, maybe someday I will start posting photos too
January 6th, 2012
Learn more about photography by making me take my camera everywhere and use it every day. Kind of gave me some accountability to have to post something every day. And as a community to gain inspiration and knowledge from. I've been encouraged to learn the various setting of my camera and what my camera can do so I can get my DSLR off AUTO mode and see what kind of things I can capture when I take control of the exposure settings.

It was been a great learning experience so far and I look forward to the rest of the 200+ days I have left.
January 6th, 2012
i'm using it in the initial spirit of the project... kind of as a photo journal. I try to get out my real camera and take some good photos from time to time though... lets see how that goes :)
January 6th, 2012
I started my project in the hopes of boosting my creativity. I am going to achieve this by photographing the same subject for the whole project.
January 6th, 2012
It's a visual diary, but I like the themes because it forces me to look at everything in a different perspective. Plus it gives me a chance to try new ideas and techniques I wouldn't normally get the opportunity to do :)
January 6th, 2012
i started with the intent of taking a picture a day of something that represents that day or would remind me of it, like a visual diary....not every day worked out that way, but for the most part each picture has a meaning behind it.....but sometimes i would do the theme, and that helps because i get stuck in a rut every now and again
i also used it as a way to improve my photography skills and learn how to use my camera.....this past year i can count on one hand how many times i've used the flash, and even less times when i didn't have the camera in manual mode...
this year i'm going to use the same theory, but, i'd like to try and be more creative....but still try and take a picture that relates to my day
January 6th, 2012
I am using mine for feedback on my photos, creativity, general photo know-how and for the experience. This has got to be the most challenging thing for someone in my position, I go to school mon-fri and i work a part time job, i am involved in sports and with my school. its tough! and with uni coming around next year i don't know what i will do. Thankfully, ive survived the month of december so far. The people ive met on here are all great! i enjoy this site to much to slip up, but i have to admit when you miss a day.. missing the next days come easier and easier.
January 6th, 2012
I used mine for a personal challenge to myself. Many people go through their lives never consciously doing something every day for a year. I wanted to do that for myself again. This makes twice in 40 years that I have consciously done something. It was also a way to stretch my photography skills.
January 6th, 2012
Mine is whatever works for the day. this has been my blog/diary, creative outlet, and a way to tell my kids stories. Depends on my day and the mood. Plus, after 380+ days, my photography skills have really grown!
January 6th, 2012
I started mine as a way to learn how to use my camera and to improve my eye and, well, just improve in general. I hope to be fairly strict to it, to take new photos every day, because it really forces me to look for new ideas and shots I probably would have skipped over normally. The inspiration from this site is amazing! I've learned so much in just what little I've done so far.
January 6th, 2012
I started mine to get more use out of my camera & learn to use it properly!

I take a photo every day & just take a shot of anything I want, whether it's a place I've been that day or something I set up or find lying around!
January 6th, 2012
I started last year just taking random photos of my day. It quickly turned into more of a self discovery through self portraits and I'm picking back up where I left off. For me it's a great way to express the crazy that goes on in my head. It's also been a great way to heal from specific events.
January 6th, 2012
I'm using mine as motivation to just pick up my camera and use it.
January 6th, 2012
I've signed up because I want to learn to take decent photos. At the moment when I do manage to, it's usually a fluke! I have given myself two rules: 1) to take a picture every day - no fillers allowed - because I'm hoping the discipline will help me improve over the course of a year, and 2) no editing. I don't disapprove of editing, but I figure it doesn't help me achieve my main goal.

I don't have a theme, but I'm starting to see how a theme might help when I'm lacking inspiration!
January 6th, 2012
I started mine as an excuse to be handling the camera everyday, and it has evolved into a way to document my life, the things around me, and all the new things that I have started to notice.

I love how carrying around a camera (or wishing you were!) makes me appreciate a lot of details I might have missed. Plus it is always fun to receive comments and feedback and to share ideas with others.

Now that I am starting year two, I am hoping to use challenges and themes to provide some "oomph" if I'm feeling flat. My theme for January is "goals."
January 6th, 2012
purely to understand my camera - and be a better photographer
January 7th, 2012
I have one album for trying new things and strengthening my composition and photo skills.
My other album is a dedicated to photographing splashes. I'm also working on my photo skills in that album also. :)
January 7th, 2012
i just want to record something interesting from my day using my dslr or camera phone. it would be great to see this project through and then look back on it.
January 7th, 2012
I'm using mine to improve my photography skills and a good way to look back on the year ;)
January 7th, 2012
To chart my daughters development. Shes at the age she changes so much each day I think it would be nice to be able to look back and watch her grow and learn new things.
January 7th, 2012
I started mine when i heard about it for a few reasons, so I could learn how to use my camera better, so I could reflect my mood some days and just to remember to take a pic a day by whatever means I have with me.I love looking at photographs too :)
January 7th, 2012
it's lovely seeing pictures of her now she is so grown up!! :)
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