What is your most recently missed photo op?

January 20th, 2012
I awoke this morning to a fresh new 4 inch blanket of fluffy, white, sparkly snow. The sun was bright and the world was covered and nature (as well as many man made things) were virtually monochromatic. I'd been taking shots and trying to capture the light until just minutes prior. The dog needed to do his thing outside, so I let him out and went into the house for something else. As I retrieved him, NO camera in hand, a BRIGHTLY clothed man on a bicycle was riding down the street! It was FANTASTIC contrast and lighting. By the time I grabbed my camera and was ready to shoot, he slipped out of view. Darn!
January 20th, 2012
On Monday there was a fantastic sunrise with really beautiful colours but I had to carry quite a few bits to work so decided not to have the added weight of my camera too.
On Tuesday there was an equally glorious sunrise and I had my camera but as my husband takes my son to school on a Tuesday I didn't have the vantage point I had the day before. I tried to capture it from the bus window but it came out too blurry because of the bus movement.
So I thought on Wednesday I would finally get this beautiful sunrise, I had my camera, I took my son to school before I went to work, had the view looking east over the shools playing fields and there was only grey clouds and drizzle.
Fail, fail and fail again!
January 20th, 2012
I just caught a blurry shot of a fox as he ran through my yard. I was inside and noticed him. I went from room to room trying to get a shot. So I have a few shots with part of the fox and most hidden behind trees, or blurred shots. Nothing I like. I wanted him to sit still and pose for me. :-) That's what I missed one day. Each day I miss at least a few opportunities.
January 20th, 2012
i took this massive shit that looked exactly like Sarah Jessica Parker but my camera battery was dead so had to flush this amazing moment down. it was a sad day.

January 20th, 2012
@grecican my pc is now covered with coffee pmsl
January 20th, 2012
Perhaps I should have used "photo op disappointment." Of course there are millions of photo ops around us daily.
January 20th, 2012
Last WE we went to my parents in law, and there was a wonderful fog. As I saw this from the car I thought I would have a walk in the fields and woods in the afternoon to catch the unusual landscapes (first time I see the area with so much fog + interesting light). And the PIL decided that we would have a visit to relatives, so my dream of photo stalk just escaped!!! So frustrating! Don't know if I will ever see the area like this again. On our way to the relatives, I still managed to shoot a few ones from inside the car, and I stopped twice to shoot through the open window, so I'm not with nothing at all, but the pics could have been so much more carefully captured and framed if I could have walked a bit to better choose the POV! Grrr!
January 20th, 2012
This morning the color of the sky as the sun was still just below the horizon was AMAZING. I'd never quite seen it that color. But due to some epic cell phone alarm fail, I woke up when I was supposed to be leaving for work this morning and had to get myself ready for work and my daughter ready for school in about five minutes. Naturally, I didn't have my camera in the car. I didn't have time to go back for it. And the color probably would have been gone by the time I got my hands on the camera, anyway. *sigh*
January 20th, 2012
@gh0st sorry about that. ;-)
January 20th, 2012
@dweezie Exactly this!
January 20th, 2012
There were water spouts on the lake "visible for miles" so the news said... and I completely missed out on that photo op.
January 20th, 2012
I normally take my camera with me everywhere, but that day I didn't have have my phone when I passed a Gypsy caravan and horse along with a dray and two lovely cobs
January 20th, 2012
On my drive home for the holidays, I spotted some crows on the side of the highway picking over a somewhat large carcass. Having a certain taste for shocking pictures, I decided to hit the brakes, turn around, and go back and shoot it. I unfortunately hit the brakes on top of some ice, lost control of my car, and almost died plowing it into a snowbank.

And STILL didn't get the shot.
January 20th, 2012

I was out on a day trip to capture an old metal wheel fence line which i posted under this weeks challenge. I got in my truck and began to drive away when I spotted two dogs nipping and barking at the heels of two horses. One brown and One white hourse. The horses where rearing up and snorting and stompping at the dogs. Just as I stopped and jumped out the two dogs turned and came barking at me. I was able to get this shot, so all was not lost.
January 20th, 2012
@beautifulthing , OMG... that is sad. Glad you are ok, but you are funny and the way you described your missed photo op, made me LOL
January 20th, 2012
@shirljess Oh, believe me, I had a good laugh too, after it was all said and done! :D
January 20th, 2012
In september last year, I went from Capri down to Agrigento and after a comedy of errors found myself running down the pavement to get in position for a shot of the sun setting behind one of the ruins in Agrigento. I was a few minutes late and got this instead... miserable

January 20th, 2012
My little rescue dog used to be terrified of all other dogs, so when Romo one of her dog friends walked in the house the other day; came up to her and licked her on the face and she licked him back, I happy to witness how far she's come, but sad that I couldn't get my hands on the camera that was 5 feet away in time to catch this affectionate greeting.
January 20th, 2012
Actually, yesterday I noticed an 18-wheeler being towed down the street...I grabbed my camera in time, but (being the 'newbie' that I am!) accidentally set me camera to "video"....is there a way that I can grab a 'screen shot' out of that, or do I just have a crappy 4 second video now??
January 20th, 2012
@toast I think this photo is fantastic! Why do you think it is "miserable"?
January 20th, 2012
@toast @dejongdd He knows it's not miserable it was just an excuse to show it off because it is a decent photo ;-)
January 20th, 2012
@dejongdd thanks deb... i think its miserable because of how good the shot I wanted was compared to this. I think if I hant seen it, i'd be happy with this.

@azza_l lol
January 21st, 2012
@emmar84 @scatcat @dweezie @mariboo @toast
Thanks for sharing your situations, lighting changes so fast and that can be so disappointing!

@maggie2 @beautifulthing @shirljess @swguevin
Don't you wish you could just "freeze" animals into place sometimes?!
Shelly, glad you are okay and can now laugh about it!

@kalexa @akamarballa @mosstuff
Sometimes, the "unusual" seems to catch us off guard and before we realize what oddity we've seen, it's too late! As a matter of fact, it didn't happen just once to me today, but twice! The first time was the oddity of seeing a brightly clothed rider on a BICYCLE in 5" of snow, but just two hours ago, saw a pick up truck with colorful buoys hanging off the rack in the back! I was disappointed when I followed it around the corner and it had "disappeared."
January 21st, 2012
I was selected to photograph 30 hockey games this weekend, although it was for charity and sponsorship was too low and was cancelled a month ago. Good cause great opportunity, chance to meet great people, funny you posted this I was just in mourning over this loss all day. thanks for the chance to grief. There will be other times to look forward too, the world is full of light and color and action the air and seas will keep flowing and we will always have a chance for great images.
January 21st, 2012
That was precisely the reason I posted the question - disappointment...and being able to just put it out there...it helps!
January 22nd, 2012
@mainebrighteyes I have almost chased things in the past to get pictures lol a few months ago I chased a man down the street shouting STOP then bravely explained that I would love to take his picture he was a biker complete with the long hair ZZ top beard and tattoos, He was so nice about it and even asked me along to a bike meet this summer saying you'll see loads of us there, better than me. lol
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