Is anyone up for a Point and Shoot Challenge?

July 2nd, 2010
There are folks on this website that use point and shoot cameras every day and take some really creative, fantastic photos. Would anyone be interested in putting down their DSLR's, digging their point and shoot cameras out of the closet (or borrowing one), and taking a week's worth of p/s shots? It's totally possible to take amazing, fun, and creative images with a point and shoot camera, so I bet we'd see some awesome photos!

I'm personally going to give it a go, maybe starting on July 5. It would be really fun if I had others to play along with! Maybe they could be tagged the same so everyone can view them in one place.

Opinions? Ideas? Anyone?
July 2nd, 2010
Sounds good fun. For those like me with a compact camera that also does manual would it mean going onto automatic for a week?
July 2nd, 2010
Loni, Normally I would totally be up for this because I love my point n' shoot and usually have it in my purse. It takes great photos, however, the flash is broken and I just shipped it back to Canon. Luckily it is still under the year warranty. I may be without for a couple of weeks:(
July 2nd, 2010
I never thought about any actual rules or official "challenge". Just use a p/s for a week however you want to and see what we come up with. I've noticed a lot of comments about p/s cameras being limiting in comparison to DSLR's. So I thought it might be fun if a bunch of us were all on the same page for a week and see what happens. Although they do have their limits, I don't think p/s are as limiting as some think and with all the creative people on this website, there could be some pretty interesting things coming from them!

I think all or most p/s cameras have a manual setting. I know mine does. Maybe someone could enlighten me on that.
July 2nd, 2010
That's too bad Joanne :-( Can you borrow one from anybody?
July 2nd, 2010
I think mine is a fancy point and shoot. What is the difference, exactly?
July 2nd, 2010
You mean between a point and shoot and a DSLR? If that's what you mean, the DSLR's have interchangeable lenses. With p/s, you get what's on the camera and that's it.
July 2nd, 2010
I'm up for the challenge!
July 2nd, 2010
Well, then I have as point and shoot and use it everyday so, I'm in! lol!
July 2nd, 2010
i use Point and shoot anyway, am I automatically "qualified" or "disqualified"? :)))
July 2nd, 2010
I just have a point and shoot i guess i am abut some thing like land scape theme or macro theme?
July 2nd, 2010
Or Public photography!
July 2nd, 2010
That's all I have is a P/S.. so im down.. I want a DSLR but im a brooke B.. Thinking about buying one with my Finacial Aid this years..silly me! I have a DSLR but its the good ole 35mm... So bring this on! lol
July 2nd, 2010
This is great!

Can we get some DSLR users to commit?
July 2nd, 2010
I have a p&s with limited manual setting and one with no manual setting. What if you add no editing, just SOOC?
July 2nd, 2010
I'm up for it. I haven't put a new photo on here in at least a month! Are we still allowed to photoshop them? Or do you want them SOOC?
July 2nd, 2010
yep im up for that lol , my p & s has no manual settings i dont think so its all on auto lol but yeh id love this challenge lol im in anything that will give me a giggle lol
July 2nd, 2010
that's all I have too...
July 2nd, 2010
Ok since mine is a compact without interchangeable lenses I guess I am in since that is all I have .....for now.
July 2nd, 2010
Ha, Loni, I'm in! I think I should get a handicap since mine is cracked too ;-)
July 2nd, 2010
Day 1 started :)

I have my last portrait workshop on tuesday so i'm not sure if i'll DSLR it or just P&S
July 2nd, 2010
Hey, I think all of my pics so far this week is on my point and shoot!
July 2nd, 2010
I will put down the DSLR!!! P&S yesteryear!!
July 2nd, 2010
i am using a P&S at the moment. i would love to use a DSLR but i am happy with my images from the P&S. :)
July 3rd, 2010
Where's the rest of the DSLR users?

Oh well. Let's do it. I'd say post-processing in photoshop or other program is optional. Opinions?
July 3rd, 2010
Anyone wanting to have a go at this can swap with me... You can use my point-and-shoot camera, and I'll get to play around with your fancy camera, which will be fun!
July 3rd, 2010
I think we should do a SOOC/no post-processing challenge. ;-)
July 3rd, 2010
Well all I have is a P&S (Kodak Easyshare) and no photo editing program so I'm in!
July 3rd, 2010
You should choose a tag, so we can search the participating pics. IF I had a DSLR, I would put it down to participate, but I'll be participating anyway since I only p&s. And that descibes my photo style as well.
July 3rd, 2010
I say two different SOOC and one P&S! All I have is a P&S, my hubby's got the DSLR which I barely ever use. I'm in! :)
July 3rd, 2010
I shoot exclusively with a P&S or with my iPhone so I guess it means you can count me in. =)
July 3rd, 2010
I use both a DSLR and a point and shoot at different times for different reasons. I'm visiting my hometown this week and was excited to be able to use my DSLR ~ although I will continue to use the point and shoot too ~ Hmmm, I suppose I could post only a point and shoot pic for the project ~ it certainly doesn't keep me from taking pics with the DSLR I guess ~ so, now I'm kind of rambling.
I'll try . . . that's the best I can offer.
What will the tag be?
And what is SOOC???
July 3rd, 2010
I haven't used a point and shoot since before I got my DSLR. I'm up for it. Great idea!
July 3rd, 2010
SOOC = Straight Out Of the Camera (no editing at all)

I think the two things should be separate challenges. P&S and SOOC. I'm up for both!
July 3rd, 2010
I'm new to this, and I'm actually going to try to do the whole year on just my new P&S (or my phone, if I'm desperate). I feel like I rely too heavily on my DSLR as it is, and i really want to learn the ins and outs of my P&S!
The idea of doing the whole year SOOC is intriguing as well... think I'll try it!
July 3rd, 2010
all my pictures are point and shoot so i would love to participate in both!
July 3rd, 2010
I'm a DSLR user - but I'll put it down and shoot with my P&S for a week. I think your idea about tagging them is a good idea so we can find them too. Count me in as of the 5th.
July 3rd, 2010
Yeah, I'll join in too! Be a laugh.
We starting Monday the 5th yeah? Need to charge mine up!

Mines automatic on everything I think, so will be fun!
Hey - what should we tag them?
July 3rd, 2010
tag-p&s how is that?
July 3rd, 2010
I just started using a DSLR ;) lol
July 3rd, 2010
I am exclusively a P&S guy. Sounds good! :)
July 3rd, 2010
Just like the other Michelle posting up there, I also just started using DSLR, haha. I still have my P&S camera mostly whenever I go though, so I'll give this a shot. I thought perhaps a combination of SOOC and P&S can be challenging enough for both P&S and DSLR users? Especially for people like me who always edit things such as color, distracting objects or noise from my photos...

By the way do we already have a tag for this challenge already?
July 3rd, 2010
I'll take you all on! I've p & s ;)
July 3rd, 2010
I'm in for sure. ;-)
July 3rd, 2010
This is great! Let's officially start Monday July 5 and go through July 11, and tag them .... theme-ps. Sound okay?

I should be happy not to lug around my big DSLR all week! :-)
July 3rd, 2010
I'm in, Loni!! I love my P&S, and since I'll have a busy week, that's what I was going to use for photos anyway! =) Sounds like a fun challenge!
July 3rd, 2010
oh man... i just did my second P&S... talk about jumping the gun :)
July 3rd, 2010
I've packed my charger for my house move :-( Its in one of 19 boxes. I will go for it as long as the battery lasts!!! sorry.
July 3rd, 2010
I'm already in it, I only own a Point and Shoot...LOL..
July 3rd, 2010
Every photo I post is p and s. I love the idea. I'm in.
July 3rd, 2010
Sounds good to me! July 5-11 all P&S for me! That means I'll have to take it to photography class with me too and see what kind of shots I can get. We are shooting classic cars on Wednesday.
July 3rd, 2010
That's all I use, so it'll be easy for me!
July 4th, 2010
Sure it sounds good to me :)
July 4th, 2010
Bugger... no card reader (also packed) and I got rid of iphoto a long time ago from my mac, and thats the only thing I had that liked canon. Just did a test run, but nothing will get the images onto my computer. I will do mine a week after, once I've moved in. sorry. I do wanna join in tho, lol.
July 4th, 2010
....what is the tag?
July 4th, 2010
refer to Loni's last post its theme-ps
July 4th, 2010
I'll give it a shot from the 5th to the 11th !!
July 4th, 2010
The only P&S I own is my phone - does that count?
July 5th, 2010
Sure Nicole! I'd say anything but a dslr.
July 5th, 2010
sounds fun :) well, maybe moreso for me, because i'm still in the stage where i walk around with my P&S and have to "pull out" the DSLR.
July 5th, 2010
OK I will be doing p&s SOOC for a week starting tomorrow, July 5. Should there be a tag that we all should be using?
July 5th, 2010
My Sony HD10 Cybershot is not exactly a P & S, its a digital still camera, but I love capturing shots with it regardless! Its always in my hadbag anyway since my DSLR is so bulky and massive to carry around with me to work on a daily basis! lets just hope Cape Town is lovely whether this week!
As Joe says, what should we tag the shots?
July 5th, 2010
point and shoot is all i use. but i clean them up with processing.
July 5th, 2010
sound great, I need something to get my inspiration back ;).
July 5th, 2010
Tag is theme-ps

Nice and simple :-) I'm excited to see what we get! I hope more dslr users will join in!
July 5th, 2010
im in. but i dont have a P&S right now, i will try to borrow a phone cam instead =)
July 5th, 2010
I'm in. It's been a while since I've used the p & s. Looking forward to the challenge.
July 6th, 2010
I think this is great idea! I use a point and shoot everyday (as much as I'd love a SLR, I just don't have the dough right now) and I'd be really interested in seeing what everyone will produce! I'm sure it would be great!
July 6th, 2010
Maybe I just don't get it, but I've uploaded my first photo of the p/s theme, tagged it as theme-ps, but when I searched to see if anyone else had posted yet, I get my photo, along with every other photo tagged with the word "theme", for example, "theme-eerie, etc. Should we try a different tag? Anyone have suggestions or know how this works?
July 6th, 2010
I'm just getting the theme-ps ones. I did think about the fact that Ross may not want us to use theme in the tag though since it might interfere with the normal theme.

Maybe we should have just done pointandshoot or some tag like that, minus the word theme.
July 6th, 2010
Don't do a search, just click on your own tag that says theme-ps and all the pics will come up for you.
July 6th, 2010
I thought of that, too Karen. But I think if Ross doesn't want us to, he'll probably say something, then we can change it. I think others have done similar ones before - the abc challenge for instance.
July 6th, 2010
July 6th, 2010
I've been waiting to reply to this thread because I had no idea where the USB cable was for my P&S, but....

I found it! So I'm in! This is going to very stretching, I haven't used the thing in about a year and a half, and we were not on good terms then :)
July 6th, 2010
Loni why don't you do ps-theme, would that work? I'm going in too.
July 6th, 2010
Since others have already posted, I think we'll keep it at theme-ps. I did what Karen said and click on the tag, and it came up right.

Thanks for joining in Glenys! And Froi! And everyone!
July 6th, 2010
I already use a point and shoot because I can't afford a DSLR, so I've been doing this challenge for 40 days anyway :-)
July 7th, 2010
Hi everyone! Make sure you're tagging your photos theme-ps, otherwise we might not see them.

I've seen some gorgeous photos already, and it's only day two :-)
July 8th, 2010
Hi there please count me in on the challenge, I use a P & S or iphone for my project, my SLR is old school film! will go bach & re-tag my photos for this week! Looking forward to seeing the results & getting inspiration. I've already seen loads of stunning P & S images on this site.
July 10th, 2010
I'm in. All I use is a P&S. Going to go back to re-tag my photos from this week. ;-)
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