Help on a name..???>

July 6th, 2010
Ok so as some of you know Mitch & I are trying to settle on a business name in prepeartion for the event photography that we have been doing of late....
We are stuck on two names and can't decide - so I'm putting it to a very public vote.
Your opinions, and ideas on these names would be much appreciated.
We have ensured that these names ARE available...

Soul Image Photography


Splash Studios

Thanks for your time :)

July 6th, 2010
I really like Soul Image Photography.

It's very deep in meaning, AND I think it will just speak volumes about the kind of photography you will produce for your clients.

Whatever one you end up picking, Good luck! :)
July 6th, 2010
I think Splash Studios would be better for event photography. It's more... fun? More lighthearted, as often times event photography. When i think of "Soul image Photography" I think of headshots, or senior pictures or something meaningful and deep. So, if this is for an event photography business, I'd have to place my vote for Splash Studios.
July 6th, 2010
I appreciate both of your comments very much :)

I was settled on Soul Image - but just as the template was sent off the the supplier, we had a change of mind. Don't get me wrong - the cards looked great - it was just the name....

I think Soul Image is fantastic for portrait and weddings etc, but it doen't really feel right when most of our work at the moment in Events.

The other thing to consider is the dream to open our own studio in the next few years.

My thoughts at the moment are still that Spash is more of a broad focus - where as Soul Image feels as though I could get locked in the small area of portraits only....

I'm still very much open to suggestions :)

Thank you Samantha & Zachary - I really do appreciate your thoughts.
July 6th, 2010
I vote for Splash Studios - it gives the impression of freshness and an expectation of something....unexpected :)
July 6th, 2010
Splash Studios gets my vote. Sounds livelier and more vibrant whereas Soul Image sounds just a touch... pretentious, maybe?
July 6th, 2010
Splash Studios for me
July 6th, 2010
splash studios!
July 6th, 2010
I think Splash studios as's more exciting =}
July 6th, 2010
I just looked at all the pictures in your album here to see if I could figure out what type of photographer you are before I gave my two cents here, but now I'm even more confused. You seem to be a very fun loving person, and Splash Studios would convey that, but you have a gift for capturing the soul of your subject as well. So I guess if I'm going by the type of photography you plan on doing I'd have to go with Splash Studios.
July 6th, 2010
Take the Splash..................
July 6th, 2010
If you still want opinions...SPLASH STUDIOS gets my vote...easy decision! It says .....adventure, fun, we're cool, choose us!
July 6th, 2010
You could combine: Soul and Splash Studio!
July 6th, 2010
I like Splash Studios. Agree with some of the other comments - Splash studios has a better feel to it in the sense of a more fun exciting vibe which maybe fits events more.

Soul Image Photography seems a bit too rigid sounding. Although drop the Photography bit and just call it Soul Image, which i like better.

In fact i now think i like Soul Image better (if its without the Photography on the end).

July 6th, 2010
Yeah, Splash Studios sounds more fun :)
July 6th, 2010
Splash Studios!
July 6th, 2010
Splash has a better ring to it. Sounds fun. Soul Images sounds more serious.
July 6th, 2010
Gosh I'm not sure...I like the sound of Soul Image a lot...but like the others said it does sound more serious than Splash first splash reminded me of water photography...but it sounds "fun" too!
July 6th, 2010
Splash Studios!
July 6th, 2010
Splash Studios!
July 6th, 2010
Splash Studios is great
July 6th, 2010
Splash Studios sounds much more fun and alive!! I would definitely call Splash Studios before I would Soul Image.
July 7th, 2010
Wow – thank you everyone for your thoughts, comments, vote and ideas. I really do appreciate them very much :)

Kim you’re right in the fact that Splash gives it a feeling of “freshness” I think that’s what appealed about the name.

The Steve – I think you're onto something about Splash being a little more “friendly’ so to speak, whereas Soul Image DOES give a different vibe...

Rebbecca I really appreciate all the thought you put into voting :) I would have to agree with the part about it being more in the area of “events’ & the ambition to open an actual studio.

Elizabeth – new can of worms opened now –hahaha but it does have a great ring to it....

Murray, I had the very same idea in the beginning to call it Soul Image – but unfortunately after some research there is a business in Sydney who do graphic design with that name....I want to be original...thank you so much for your thoughts!

Hee, Katie Rose Allan, Jenn, Karen, mrstu, Dalia, Loni, Sue Biz, Helna, Richard & Nicole -You’ll be pleased to know I’ve gone with Splash Studios – thank you all for your votes :)

Thanks Lauren, I think with the Soul Image – it kind of falls into a niche of portraits and weddings etc....where as Splash Studios works for all kinds of events that we’ve been doing, plus kids, weddings, places, even water ;p It also leaves open the idea of it being an editing company too – which is the dream....Thank you as well for your thoughts!

Megan, I hope I can “make a splash” :P

I LOVED the cards Mitch designed for Soul Image – it was very classy, so it was hard to me to envision anything else...

I appreciate every single person’s ideas and am pleased to inform you that we now own the business name SPLASH STUDIOS – cards will be printed today!!! It’s so very exciting and I promise to keep you all posted on the outcome of Splash!
July 7th, 2010
i would have to agree with alot of people on here.. splash is best for events... if you are looking to open a studio down the road you could always opt for a name change ( yadda yadda formerly known as splash studios) good luck!!
July 7th, 2010
splash studios no question
July 7th, 2010
I vote for Splash Studios. It sounds fun and interesting for an event photographer.

Ooh, but I look up now and see that you chose Splash Studios! Congrats :)!
July 7th, 2010
I definitely think that Splash Studies is more of an appropriate name for event photography :). Great choice!
July 7th, 2010
In my honest opinion, I like Soul Image Photography.
To me, Splash Studios makes me think of a water park (such as Splash Universe). Unless of course you are doing strictly water shots, lol.

Anyway, there's my two cents :)

July 7th, 2010
Wow, the two names couldn't be more different! I think the name you choose depends largely on the personality of your business and the image you want to portray. Are you a fun and sassy company? Or are you a more refined and meaningful company? Choose your brand personality and the name will follow. Best of luck to you!!
July 7th, 2010
I realy like the sound of Soul Image Photography, it realy sounds deep and in touch with the passion of photography... to me, splash sounds like a name for kids photography because it sounds fun and messy and playful.
both names are very nice and unique though, they are very creative! my name is plain and simple, Lameez S.M. photography because its just me and I didnt want to show Both Surnames in full so I just abbreviated it! If I had to choose a more creative name it would be linked to something as powerful as your "Soul Image" option. good luck deciding, ciao
July 7th, 2010
Splash studious - short, simple and catchy! ;-)
July 7th, 2010
nah, why would you go with something like 'Splash' it's immediately brought some water images from here, and I don;'t think you are going entirely into
Water, swimming, or Beach Photos. If I was looking for someone to do a Phot shoot of our Family, I would not give the name with 'Splash' a second glance.
I'm sorry if I sound a bit up my own opinion, but that how that word comes across. Now "Soul Image" doesn't need the word Photography, so that would be a better option, again your choice. Hope you pick somethink that will attract people who want to have great Photos taken. Good Luck & best wishes.
July 7th, 2010
Soul image photography! it sounds more professional.
July 7th, 2010
Splash studios is catchy, but there is a huge paparazzi agency that is world wide called Splash. People might get you confused with them.
July 7th, 2010
Splash Studios
July 8th, 2010
Soul Image Photography
something about the word "splash" irks me. It's personal, but I can't put my finger on it
July 8th, 2010
you could always just go with "Soul Image" or "Soul Images" or "Soul Imaging" without the "photography" at the end! pretty much more catchy like that too!
July 8th, 2010
My money's on Splash Studios.
When I think Soul Image Photography, I get a mental image of James Brown with a camera, singing and in between saying... "great.. now follow my hand with your eyes..." lol
July 8th, 2010
Thank you everyone for your comments, votes & ideas. We have settled on Splash Studios - the business cards are loooking great - so next step is web design :) It all appears to be coming together....when I get some time I'll upload some recent event photos....

We went with Splash for several reasons - the fact that a lot of our work is based around events - and Soul Image felt a bit to 'dark' for that base of work...We have also decided that there will be a time, hopefully, if our business is doing well that we can branch out into Soul Image as well as all seems very daunting, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

With 4 events this weekend, I'm going to cram in some extra sleep tonight :)

I really appreciate everyones advice.
July 8th, 2010
Frieda - i've never heard of the Paps called Splash....I'll check it out...

Lameez - I would have used my name....but it felt a little cheesy as my last name is Smiley...

Weng - i totally get the thing about James Brown - hahahaha

Everyone - your honest opions are very much appreciated!!!

I love that the people on 365 are there to offer their advice, thought, ideas and comments without judgement...this site is so much more than photos :)
July 8th, 2010
I'm glad you went with splash, Soul Image seems a little too deep...
July 8th, 2010
OMG you SHOULD have gone with your name!! Then you could shorten the second word...

Smiley Photos!!!

hhhmmm... maybe not ;)
July 8th, 2010
oh, and congratulations on Splash Photography, i love it!
July 9th, 2010
As a graphic designer working with many large corporations, I would have to say that you went with the right choice!
Splash: Alive, energetic, fun, exciting.
Soul: Too many ethnic connotations these days. Regardless of the quality of your work, some companies would not hire you just based on the stigma.

Build your site with flowing lines, but keep to classic/bold colors. This will show your whimsical, fun side, yet portray you as professional and thorough.
Good luck on your new venture!!
July 9th, 2010
I like splash studios :) it's fun and exciting!
July 10th, 2010
i love murray's idea... just SOUL IMAGE & drop photography. love it. but both are good. excited for you guys!
July 10th, 2010
I'd go for splash studios. There's some symmetry with the name and has a dynamic feel which may be n effective brand for your event photography business.
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